CHAPTER 9 | Smile

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The Right Person,
The Wrong Time
The Right Script,
The Wrong Line
The Right Poem,
The Wrong Rhyme
And A Piece Of You,
That Was Never Mine.

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"And I asked you to stop gaslighting, don't YOU get that?!" A voice in anger came from the right side of us.
"Noona..." I whispered slowly.

She came towards us and looked at Haneul with angry eyes, and I could literally see Haneul's expression changed as soon as he saw her.
"Y-Y/n you're here? I thought you would be with Jungkook or Ji-yu" Haneul said trying to change the topic while trying to smile at her.

"Just leave and mind your own business, don't create a seen here in Jungkook's birthday party for God sake" She seemed annoyed by him.
"But Y/n, I was thinking would you like to have a dance with me?" He tried again.
She just scoffed at his words and replied " No".
"Such a shame, it is then" He said while trying to play it cool and left the drinking corner.

She finally turned towards and as I also diverted my gaze to her, I desperately wanted to tell her how beautiful she look at the moment.

Her ocean eyes, cherry lips in that black dress and of course her breathtaking long black hairs.

"Are you drinking?" She asked while eyeing my drink.
"Uh-no it's just coke" I replied fast.
"Good boy" She said while nodding at my words.

I felt my cheeks burning, her words do have a big effect on me even if she don't say things with any other intentions.

"Umm... Did you wished Jungkook already?" I asked her trying to keep the conversation going.
"Already Done" That's all she said while looking around and taking in the view of the room.

There was an awkward silence so I focused on finishing my coke.
And as I took my last sip I saw Jungkook coming towards us.

"Are You both having a good time?" Jungkook asked while referring to his party.
"It's good" She replied to him.
"I can't believe I'm finally 20, fuck" Jungkook Chuckled at his own words.
"You're getting old, man" Y/n let out looking at Jungkook from head to toe.

20? He is.... Older then me?
Wait wait, he never mentioned his age nor I even actually asked him his University year. God.

"You're also older then me?" I asked him.
"Umm.. Yeah! You didn't knew?" Jungkook chuckled.
"Actually... No" I said slowly.
"Okay, I'm in the second year in our university as same as Y/n, but yeah don't do any Formalities just call me Jungkook like you always do, I like it better" Jungkook explained while leaning towards the counter.

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