CHAPTER 19 | Frenzy

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I Belong To You
The Way The Moon
Belongs To The Stars
Completing Each Other
When I Wane
When I Fade To Crescent
And Darkness Creeps Across Me
The Stars In Your Eyes
Will Bring Me Back
And Once Again
I Shall Kiss The Sky.

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"You! How dare you?!... How dare you to even doubt my love for you! Do you even know, How Much I Fucking Love You?!?!" Her words ringed in my head again and again.

"N-Noona?!" I let out in a whisper still not believing what I just heard.
But this time she didn't showed her anger instead her eyes softened slowly as a slight smile came across her face, her hands came to my face as she caressed my left cheek slowly.

When she caressed my cheek, my fast breath bacame slow again and my fast heartbeats also slowed to it's normal pace, it made me feel soothed.

She made my heart at peace.

Watching all this Haneul scoffed as he left the hall with his friends in anger, but before I could react Y/n's eyes again turned cold as she turned around towards the people and just with her stare they knew that they will get in great trouble if they didn't left now, and that's what they did.

The hall started to get empty slowly but other than the four of us there was one more person, it was none other than Jungkook who was there in the crowd during the whole time watching us.

He slowly came towards us with a big smirk on his face.
"Man that was a hell of a show" He said as Ji-yu hit him on his shoulder.
"Yahh, Show? Do you even know I almost passed out for a second" She let out as she pouted.
"Don't worry baby, I'll give you the details later but for now can we please go to the cafeteria coz I'm hella hungry" Jimin huffed out.
"You all go I've some important work to figure out" Y/n said as she turned towards me again.
"And Taehyung, wait for me outside when the uni ends" She let out slowly to me, but i was still too stunned to reply her so all i did was to give her a nod as she left the hall towards the opposite direction to the cafeteria.

I was still standing and watching her back,
"Congrats Taehyung" All three said in union and my cheeks turned red, Jimin chuckled when he noticed my reation.
"Thank you so much" I shyly replied as I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Okay now come, lets go and eat" Jimin called me out to come with them to the cafeteria, And all I did was to give him a smile... After all he helped me out through my confession and I couldn't even express how grateful I'm feeling right now of him, I couldn't even think what would have happened if he wasn't there to help.


The weather suddenly turned cloudy, but it looked beautiful as hell... I never understand why people hated this weather, they say it makes them feel gloomy But to me it makes me feel as ease, it's all soothing and peaceful.
But at the same time anyone could tell that it will rain soon.

I came out of the university and stood right beside the gate, waiting patiently for Y/n when at the same time i could notice the stare of people around me, and i know exactly why they are staring at me.

Sometimes people are too cruel, they don't see the love people held for one another but they judge them just by what they look like. They are making me feel uncomfortable, after all I'm not used to these many stares on me.

I let out a high sigh, when all of a sudden I felt a drop of water on my cheek when the looked up I realized it has started to rain, shit.

I didn't even have an umbrella with myself, So I pulled my hoodie cap up upon my head to save myself atleast a little bit from the rain, Jimin did had an umbrella but he had to leave first because of some issues.

I put my hands in my pockets as it felt cold around, when all of a sudden the rain stopped... But when I looked up this time it was an umbrella at my head, when I looked towards the owner helding the umbrella... My heartbeat increased, again.

"N-Noona" I huffed out.
"Why are you standing in the rain?" She asked me as she came a bit closer so we both can stand under the umbrella, I slowly removed my hoodie cap from my head but I could notice that she was shorter than me and it was getting hard for her to hold up the umbrella.

"You told me to wait for you" I answered her as I took the umbrella from her hand and held it myself. Hearing my answer she chuckled,
"I told you to wait but I never said to stand in the rain" She defended herself. I know it was me, who was too eager to see her that I didn't even mind the rain, but now I'm feeling Embarrassed of my actions,
"Sorry" I let out while slowly rubbing the back of my head.

"It's okay, just make sure to change and have something hot to drink so you won't catch a cold" When she said that for the first time nor I could just feel but I could see the concern she had for me, as I gave her a small smile with a small nod.

"Ayee we're right here just in case you can't see" When I looked at my back I saw Jungkook with Ji-yu under another umbrella.
"Don't tease them Jungkook" Ji-yu chuckled at her own words.
"Since when you both are standing there?" I asked in amazement.
"Since the start" Ji-yu answered.
"I'm sorry I didn't noticed you both" I laughed in hesitation.
"We can see that, anyway I'm dropping Ji-yu as Jimin has asked me to do coz it's raining, and... You, lover boy go and have fun with your girlfriend" He winked as he forced weight on the word girlfriend.

Hearing him my cheeks turned red when I realized that yes, she's my girlfriend now, she's someone whom I can share anything with now, she's someone whom I can love now.

She's mine now.

When Jungkook and Ji-yu left I turned my attention to Y/n again.
"Shall we go?" I asked.
"Yes please" She said. We turned towards the direction of the road as we started to walk, I smiled when I realized it's something I always wanted to do, walking under the same umbrella in the rain, with her.

The surroundings were all silent and the only sound coming was of the rain around us, we both were walking in silence, to be honest I didn't know what to say to her.

I know we have started dating, but I can't help but to get nervous around her, after all there is something I came to realize, that when she's with  me I feel like a mad man, I feel like I'll go crazy.

When she's with me, some sort of,
Frenzy begins.

- To Be Continued.

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-Author Gloss

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