CHAPTER 12 | Tempt

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How Many Deaths
Have You Died,
To Be So Strong.
How Many Times
Have You Screamed,
To Be So Silent.
How Many Heartbreaks
Have You Felt,
To Be So Heartless...

 How Many HeartbreaksHave You Felt, To Be So Heartless

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[ Y/N POV ]

Horrible, it's feels horrible to get ignored by someone whom you wants to give you their whole attention.
Specially when you're trying to do the same for them.

It's hard for me to express what I feel, it have always been like that. But when I'm trying, I don't want them to ignore me atleast.

I don't say it, that doesn't mean I don't feel it, right? To be honest I'm angry alot on him. But my intentions and words didn't matched that day, I wanted to say something else... But it came out other way around.

I wasn't angry on him for trying to escape from his work, being honest he didn't even did anything like that in the first place, it's just I couldn't keep up with what I wanted to say.

That I'm not liking it, How he's ignoring me. I lashed out at him with the intentions to tell him to stop ignoring me because it's hurting me.
But when he actually came to me, I don't know how I ended up saying something else, simply I got angry at him which I actually wanted to, but the reason... The reason was something else.

I did a mistake here, and I know that.

I need to talk to him, I know that too. But will I? Definitely I will.
It will mess up I knew about that but it will mess up something like this, I was not ready for that.

I was in my thoughts when my phone buzzed, ended up taking me off guards. I looked at my phone and it was Ji-yu.

I answered her call before it will hung up, and she will get angry.
"Y/n?" She asked from the other side.
"Yes?" I answered her letting her know I was there on the call.
"I'm thinking to go for shopping, wanna join?" She asked joyfully.
"Sorry but I'm caught between some work, You can ask Jimin" I let out.
"What work?" She asked which I wasn't expecting her to.
"A-u-umm..." I didn't knew what to say, she knew I was lying to her.
"I know it's Him, So tell me what's the matter" She asked after figuring out my situation.

"I lashed out on him today" I replied her with a big sign.
"And why is that so?" She asked.
"He was ignoring me... From the past one week" I tried explaining her.
"And?" She wanted me to continue.
"It was getting unbearable... I don't know why he was ignoring me but simply if there was any issue I expect him to come and tell me, not ignore me" I stated, the anger was again building inside me. It was hurting again as I was thinking about it.

"So you got angry on him because he was ignoring you and you were not liking it right?" She asked in a confirmation tone.
"Yes, but i ended up lashing out at him for some silly excuses just because I couldn't make myself up to say the actual reason" I said in a low voice.
"Oh. And what you said?"
"I said to him that he can't ignore me like that just to escape from his duties. And... Asked him to leave the club if he can't handle things" I knew what her reply will be.
"WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS Y/N?!?" She shouted through the phone.
As I pulled my phone a bit away from my ears to save them before they get deaf.
"How can you say that?! You already know how sincere he is towards his work" She scolded me.
"I know and I'm thinking to talk to him and clear everything" I said.

"And when will you do it?" She asked.
"Soon" I replied as I wasn't sure if I'll get the chance to talk to him even or not.
"Good, you already know how things are going right now... And I don't want anymore complications in my besties life" She showed her concern.
"You don't have to worry about it Ji-yu, I'll handle everything myself you just focus on Jimin, atleast you both should be on good terms right" I tried to make my way through my words.

"Oh really? I can see already how good you're handling everything" She taunted the statement on me.
"Yah!" I pouted at her words.
"What? On the place of getting closer to him you're pushing him further away" She taunted me again.
"What should I do then you tell me" I asked her after being done.

"Simple, first figure out what you feel for him?" She let out.

I became quiet hearing her words.
What I feel? For him? It's true that I want his attention coz i like when he gives me attention, but what I feel towards him? I've no idea about that.

If I think deeply about him, do I like him? ...Yes.
But In which way? As someone who's new to my friend circle? As someone who's hardworking in my club? As someone who's not selfish but innocent in my university? As someone who's my cute junior? Or as someone, whom I wanna be with... Someone I will love?

I'm still unknown to the answers of these questions. What I feel for him, is still a question, but what I'm sure about is that he is someone whom I definitely don't wanna loose.
What I'm sure about is... That he is someone who lure my interest.

"Y/n are you still there?" Ji-yu called out to me.
"Yes!" I replied.
"I asked you to do something, do that okay" She sounded serious.
"I'm not sure" I let out.
"What's why I'm asking you to do it, so that you can be sure, about everything" She explained.
"Okay, I'll...i'll think about it" I replied to her.

"It will be good for the both of you, if you figure it out soon that what you feel for Taehyung!" She calmly said. I nodded at her words which she definitely couldn't see.
After talking for few more minutes we said bye to each other and we ended our call.

Ji-yu is the only person who understands me better then anyone else. And she is the only person too who knows all my secrets.
And she somehow Figured it out that Taehyung interests me, even before I figured this out myself.
In fact she was the one who pointed this out to me in the first place.

I wonder if Ji-yu haven't pointed this out to me, would I've ever figured out, That how much interested I'm, In Taehyung.

I wonder will I've ever figured this out
That how much,
Taehyung Tempts Me.

- To Be Continued.

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"In the midst of that difficulty,
Try to find that small Happiness"
-Jeon Jungkook



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- Author Gloss

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