CHAPTER 10 | In Love

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Loving You Is Returning To The Scene Of A Crime,
And All I Want To Do Is Confess.
Take A Drop Of My Blood,
Ink My Fingerprints.
Tell The Whole World,
That It Was Me.
The One Who Committed The Crime
The One, Who Loved You...

⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧‧⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧‧⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓*˚⁺[ KIM TAEHYUNG POV ]

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The Morning came, well yesterday after Y/n left all I did was to change my clothes and get to bed directly. Today we don't have University as it's the weekend, I came out of my bed and got into the bathroom to Freshen up.

After I was all done I came downstairs to have some breakfast, and I saw Jimin there, already having his breakfast.

"Good morning bro" He greeted me.
"Morning" I said back and sat in front of him.
"Here, your breakfast" He said while forwarding a new plate of food in front of me.
"Thank you, but when did you came back?" I asked him while taking a spoonful of food into my mouth.
"Two hours back" He replied.
I nodded at his words and focused on my food.

After we were done, we came to the living room to watch some movies and relax, Jimin played a movie and we sat down on the couch to watch it comfortably.

We were watching the movie, it kinda seems like a romantic one. The movie was going on when a scene came out, the man and the woman in the movie were having a long night drive.

Watching that scene my brain suddenly hit me with last night's event, That Smile.
She smiled at me for the first time, god how beautiful she looked.

I was smiling cheek to cheek while remembering her.
But the thing I didn't noticed was, Jimin. He caught me smiling.

"Bro who got you smiling like that" He said teasingly with a playful smirk on his face.
"N-nothing" I said while hiding my smile and maintaining my posture.
"Oh come on! Do you think I don't know you, tell me fast" He said while shifting closer to me.

"H-how do you know?" I asked him being amazed by his words.
"It's simple bro, you're smiling while watching a romantic movie that means you're simply fantasizing them as you and the girl you like" He explained while shrugging his shoulders.
"Yah I'm not fantasizing, that something which actually happened" I let out and pouted at him.
"Got you" He smirked.

That's when I realised that I accidentally said something which I shouldn't have. Shit.
To avoid the awkward situation I took the glass of water which was placed infront of me on the table.

"Hmm... So you're saying that something which actually happened huh, So is it... Y/n?!"
I chocked on the water I was drinking hearing his words.
"Easy bro... I already know it's her for sure" He said while patting my back slowly.

I calm down and looked at him.
"How are you so sure?" I asked.
"You think I'm dumb or what? What do you think huh? That I never noticed, the boy who never actually talked to any girl in his entire life till yet nor ever had a female friend is now so close to a girl that he never stops looking for her wherever he go...!" Jimin completed his words.

After hearing his words I realised many things which I haven't till yet, whatever he said was true, when I was in the orphanage I never had a female whom I was close to or was friends with.

I was so much into studying and dreaming about coming to Seoul and have a beautiful life like any other kid in Seoul that I never actually noticed any girl in my orphanage or in my school, and look at me now.


"Umm... I have no idea what I was doing" I replied with a low voice while playing with my fingers slowly.
"Well that's something expected from you, after all you have never been in love before" I looked at him again after hearing his words. Love?

"What?" I asked him again.
"Oh my Taehyung, you didn't realised it till yet?!" He put his left hand on my right ones.
My heart beat was increasing incredibly.

"Realised what?" I asked while looking everywhere except him.
"You're in love" He said.
I don't know what to expect or accept.

I'm lost, I myself don't know what I actually feel, what if I just look for her everywhere and is close to her because she treats me right, maybe because she doesn't criticize me like everyone else here.

Maybe because she's someone who taught me many things in a little bit of time maybe because she doesn't pity me, maybe because she helped me.

What if I just admire her? What if I just like her? What if I just find her kind? What if I just find her pretty? What if I just find her honest?

What if it's everything expect love?
What if...

"Don't" He said, which stopped my thoughts. I looked at him not getting his words.
"There is no what ifs..." He replied, he knew what I was thinking.
"But-" He cut me off and continued.

"Taehyung! Can't you see? If it was just kindness then there was many people who are kind to you, if it was just admiration then there are many people whom you can admire, then why? Why just her?" He said with a serious tone.

My eyes started to fill with tears, why? Why just her and no one else?
She... I don't know she just soothes my heart, she calms me down whenever I'm nervous.

She herself is the reason... She herself is the answer to my "Why"... To my "Why just her and no one else"... She's is the answer to my every question, cause at the end no matter how much I deny it, no matter how much I run away from it, from the truth.

But it won't change anything.
It won't change the fact,
That I Have Fallen In Love For The First Time.
That I'm In Love...


- To Be Continued.

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Thank you for reading.
-Author Gloss

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