CHAPTER 14 | Gorgeously Mysterious

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My Dear Love,
You Maybe Hurting
You Maybe Wounded,
But What You Fail To Realise Is
That Those Very Same Wound,
Are Simply Openings To Every
Tender Aching Beautiful
Part Of Your Soul,
And Hell To It,
If I Don't Love Them All.

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I was reading my book while the other students were talking and laughing. Jimin have not attended the University today as he's sick, so yeah I'm all alone here. Boring.
I was in my thoughts when our professor came.

"Morning students, I've a good news for you all today! Our university is organising a camp program for 2 day starting from the day after tomorrow" Our professor explained cheerfully.

Hearing him all the students in class started to talk loudly in joy, of course it's a good chance to relax and enjoy ourselves with our friends.
And to learn something new too.
"I'm providing forms, fill them and submit them to me till tomorrow" Our professor showed the form and started distributing them.

The professor came to me and gave me a form sheet.
"Sir! Can I have one more form please" I asked him in hesitation.
"Sure but why?" Professor asked me while giving me one more form.
"Actually Jimin is absent today so I'm taking this form so he can also fill it and submit it tomorrow, I want him to go with me to the camp" I explained shyly to our professor.

He chucked hearing my words and patted my shoulder lightly.
"Such a true friend" He said and left to submit the form to others.
I diverted my attention to my form and started to fill it.


I was in the cafeteria with Jungkook and Ji-yu, but Y/n was not here yet.
"I'm going to buy something sweet to eat, anyone of you want something?" Ji-yu asked as she stood up from her seat.
"No, Thanks" Both Jungkook and me said in union, as Ji-yu left to buy herself something sweet to eat.

I was still looking here and there trying to look for Y/n.
"She will not come, so stop trying to look for her and eat your food before the break gets over" Jungkook said to me while smirking.
My cheeks flushed at his comment,
he caught me.

"N-no I'm not looking for Y/n!" I said quickly.
"Well, I never mentioned Y/n" Jungkook chuckled at my words.
Shit, this is so embarrassing.
"Umm.. Actu-" Jungkook cut me off and continued,
"It's okay, I know you like her" Jungkook said while shrugging his shoulders.

I chocked on my food hearing his words. Damn.
Jungkook quickly forwarded a bottle of water towards me to drink, I quickly took it and gulped a few sips of water.
"There is nothing like t-that!" I said while trying to defend myself but Jungkook laughed hearing me, he definitely didn't believed my words.

"I'm not a fool you know" He said.
"But, I thought you and Y/n a-are, a co-" I said in hesitation but before I could complete my words Jungkook said in between,
"No! no, oh my god, we're just friends stupid. Don't you remember what I said that day, that here in the university no one is my type?" Jungkook said while trying to defend himself.

Opps! He did said that!
Wait... So that means Jungkook and Y/n are just friends and there is nothing between them!! Omg... I'm such an idiot to even think that! Lord.
"I-im sorry" I said with a pout.
"We are just close and most specifically old friends from high school. And I already know you like her, so chill I won't snatch your girl from you" He laughed.
"B-but how did you know? That I like her?" I asked him.

"Isn't it obvious bro!?" Jungkook said teasing.
"How?" I was somehow curious.
"Let me be honest here, I somehow guessed it, the difference between the way you treat Ji-yu and the way you treat Y/n! Like you're sweet to Ji-yu but you're Super sweet to Y/n... Also, I'm a guy too you know, so i know how a guy behaves in situations like these!" He laughed when he finished his words.

I blushed hard, he's really something. I myself never knew there was a difference in the way I treat her and Ji-yu.
"Are you planning to confess?" He asked me.
"Umm... I'm not sure about it yet" I hesitated.

It wasn't that I'm unsure about my feelings towards Y/n...its just I'm insecure, insecure about our match.
Do I even suit her? Do we will look good together? Will other's accept us? Most important will she accept me?

Someone who's not so rich, who's not even popular or good looking. Who doesn't have many friends, who's not so sociable and whatnot.

Do I even stand a chance!?

"It's not like she will reject you straight away... Well, I can say she is not that harsh, atleast not with you" He guessed.
"But still your guesses isn't helping you know, they does not actually confirm anything to be exact" I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

"You're right tho" He agreed to me as I smiled at him.
"If it's about the information you need which will help you, then you must have already had it by now?" He asked me seriously this time.
"Umm.. What information are you talking about?" I asked being confused.

"Her Past relationship!" He let out.
"W-what?" I chocked on my food again hearing him.
"Hey hey easy! I was just saying you must have learned alot already if you have already heard about her past relationship... Haven't you heard about it yet from Y/n?" He asked while taking a sip of water.
"She never mentioned" I let out slowly.

"I thought she must have told you till now by looking how close you both have gotten from the past few months" He said.
"I didn't h-" Before I could complete my words Ji-yu came back as I stopped between what I was going to say. Jungkook mouthed me to not talk about it in her presence.

"What you guys were talking about?" She asked looking at us both.
"Nothing special" I replied.
She nodded and started eating the cupcake she bought for herself, as Jungkook got up from his seat to put the plate and utensils back.

And here I was, still in my thoughts,
She dated before? Who?
I guess... I need to find it out, I never knew, there was something like this I would find about her.

Damn, How Much More Is There To Find About Her, To Know Her.
No Wonder Why,
She Is Such,
Gorgeously Mysterious.

- To Be Continued.

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-Author Gloss

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