CHAPTER 28 | Broke

816 48 22

"When I Saw You,
I Fell In Love.
And You Smiled,
Because You Knew"

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It's been an hour already since I called her and she haven't reached yet. I dropped messages but she didn't saw them so I called her but Because of the bad weather it didn't reach her. I can't wait any longer, I'm worried about her.

I stood up from the bed to go downstairs when I heard the door bell. I quickly came down and opened the door as quickly as possible, And there she stood.
"Noona, what took you so long? I was worried about you" I expressed my thoughts but she seemed lost like she was in deep thinking. I pulled my hand to hold hers, when my hand touched her she flinched and looked at me with her startled face.
"Noona, you okay?" I asked again.

"Yes" she nodded her head and came inside the house as I closed the doors behind her.
"What took you so long?" I asked my previous question again.
"Ahh, I met an old friend on the way so..." she answered as I nodded my head slowly.
"Are you hungry?" I asked her as she came into the kitchen to drink a glass of water.
"Nope, I'm good but did you had your dinner?" she asked me in return.
"Actually Jimin came to meet me and he bring some snacks and drinks too so I don't think I need to eat anymore" I let her know.
"Are you sure?" She asked me again.
"Yeah" I assured her.

"It's already late, I need to freshen up and sleep as I need to wake up early" she let out while looking at me with her straight face.
"Oh, okay... Good night Noona" I greeted her with a sad voice which she didn't even noticed. I wanted to spend some time with her but She looked tired anyways, guess I need to hold myself back.
"Good night" she greeted back and left first to go upstairs to her room while I followed her to go towards mine.


I heard some faint rhythmic sounds which got louder and louder with time to the point that it woke me up straight from my sleep. I looked at the clock, it was 2 in the morning. My brows frowned when I again heard the door knocking.

I stood up from the bed and walked towards the door. As I opened the door with my half sleepy eyes, I saw Noona standing in her pajamas. By looking at her face no one can tell what she was thinking or wanted to say.
"Noona?" I called her out in confusion.
"Umm... Tae If you don't mind can I, can I sleep with you tonight" she asked me with a straight face yet again.
"Yeah- WAIT WHAT?!?!" Her words caught me off guards.

The Fuck.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight? With you?" She repeated her words.
"I heard what you said but, N-Noona umm... you sure? Like why all of a sudden?" My face became all red, do she even realised what she just said?
"Please" she breathe out.

She looked serious with not even a single pinch of shyness or playfulness.
I cleared my throat while I stood straight.
"Yes, come inside" I gave her the way to come in.

She came in as I closed the door slowly and turned to look at me.
"Umm.. I'll sleep on the couch then" I rubbed the back of my neck.
"I'm not here to sleep on your bed but to sleep with you" she said with a straight face which more sound like a taunt to Me.
"Ahh, you mean we both? On the bed? Together?" I tried my best to not stutter And all she did was to give me a nod.

I slowly walked towards the bed as she lay down on the right side of the bed, taking the left side I slowly slid inside the duvet which was hugging her as well. I lay down beside her straight as the ceiling was in my view. I slowly looked at her and saw her sleeping already as her eyes were closed.

To sleep more comfortably I turned to my right side as my back faced her. I was still in thoughts, she is behaving a bit unusual like when she came she was sort of lost in her thoughts and now she is here beside me. After spending almost a year with her I've atleast came to know that if she is having a hard time she may prefer to suffer alone and handle it by herself. I just hope it's just me who's thinking too much and she is fine.

Slowly my eyes closed as sleep took over me without any notice. There was silence in the room with no movement and only Noona and my breathings can be heard, which initially helped me drift to sleep peacefully.


I felt two hands wrapped around me from behind which made me open my eyes in realisation, its Noona. I slowly diverted my eyes towards the clock and it's 3:14 in the early morning. Slowly her grip around me tightened and a light red blush came across my cheeks, Maybe she is in too deep sleep that she isn't even realising what she's doing. A small smile came across My face which soon vanished when I heard a sob from her side.

My body stiffed as I realised that Noona was crying, silently. Maybe she thinks I'm sleeping and I won't know that she cried. Her sobs got a bit louder as I heard some whimpers from her side as well. She buried her face in my back and her hold around my waist got more tight, which was the last string for me to pull back from her.

I put my hands on hers and removed them from my waist as I slowly turned around to finally face her.
"Noona?" I called her out which resulted in her being startled from my voice and put a stop to her sobs and whimpers.

She definitely didn't wanted me to caught her crying and weak, Ever.

I slowly pulled her towards me and brought her to put her head buried in my chest and I wrapped my hands around her waist, securely. She didn't protested which I initially expected from her to do.
"Noona, Are you okay?" I pulled myself up to ask her what's wrong, But hearing me she finally let go of whatever she was holding back. Finally letting herself to cry in my embrace openly, at that moment I felt like I need to protect her from whatever she was going Through.

"I-I'm Not Okay, Ta-aehyung! I'm not!" She revealed through her sobs, At that moment when I heard her response I grabbed her hips and pulled her in more to myself leaving no space between us.

I've never been this close to any girl, But with Noona it didn't even felt like that it  was our first time being this close, I just wanted to see her smile again.
"Please tell me what's bothering you?" I finally asked her.

"Tae-e, J-Jungkook! I Broke his heart, i Broke Him" she sobbed out making my heart stop beating, as i heard her.

- To Be Continued.

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I Wanted To Ask One Question To Everyone Reading This Chapter...! 🦋

"Does Anyone Of You Have Ever Felt Bad For Breaking Someone's Heart Coz You Didn't Felt The Same For Them But You Know They Are A Good One?... If Yes, What Came Across Your Mind?"

- Author Gloss

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