CHAPTER 6 | Lucky

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You Were You
And I Was I,
We Were Two
Before Our Time.
I Was Yours
Before I Knew,
And You Have Always
Been Mine Too.

 I Was YoursBefore I Knew, And You Have AlwaysBeen Mine Too

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"Students Your official Club member letters have came which I have received from your clubs, please stand up all and come forward when I call your names, And get your letters" Our professor announced while we all listened to him attentively.

The club submission have been finaled and we all were waiting for our letters, our letters which explains that we have become the official member of these respective clubs.

We all stood up from our seats as our professor said and listened to him attentively while waiting for our chance to come and receive our letters.

"Bae Haemin, from the media club. Please come forward and get your letter" As our professor said a boy came forward and got his letter, he thanked our professor and came back and sat on his respective seat.

Just like that one by one every student got called by the professor, all of them got their letters. But as the students who were standing got lesser and lesser, I started to become impatient.

Why my name haven't been called yet? Is my name in the end of the list?

And within 15 minutes everyone sat on their respective seats, I was the only one standing. My professor looked at me and I could see he doesn't have any letter left in his hands... Which means he doesn't have my letter.

"Taehyung didn't you applied for any club? I haven't received your club letter" Professor asked.
Every student turned towards me and looked at me, few were smirking at me, few very whispering to each other and few were just laughing while looking towards me.

"B-but sir i did applied" I replied him defending myself.
"I know you can definitely see I don't have any letter left in my hands, which simply says I don't have your letter. Tell me Taehyung, were you got accepted by the club you applied in?" Hearing my professor's words every student started laughing loudly while looking in my direction.

I don't know what to say, Y/n did accepted me in her club. She even said I'm already approved for her club then what happened now? Where is my letter.

"Who will accept someone like him in their club" One of the student shouted, And hearing his words others laughed hard.
"Silence everyone" Our professor commanded. But still I couldn't stop thinking about what that student said.

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