CHAPTER 11 | Ignorance & Anger

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I Only Ever Thought
There Were Two Types Of Loves,
The Kind You'd Kill For
And The Kind You'd Die For.
But You, My Darling...
You Were The Kind Of Love
I Would Live For.

 You Were The Kind Of Love I Would Live For

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It's been a whole week since I'm trying to avoid Y/n as much as possible, Simply I'm trying to ignore her.

It's so hard to do so... But what can i do rather than this? When I've realised what I feel for her... It's hard, it's so hard to be normal with her, to look at her the same way I used to do.

And now I'm scared, scared that what if she saw... Love in my eyes, for her?

What will I do then?

Everything is new to me, it's all messy at the moment. Even during the club classes I try to stay away from her as much as I can, it's hurt tho.
To see the way she looks whenever I try to keep a distance from her and it's always comes out to be a rude gesture.

But maybe that just me who thinks that way after all, all she do is look at everyone with her cold eyes. It's hard to figure out.

"Back to earth Taehyung?" A voice broke my chain of thoughts as I looked in that direction from where the voice came.
"Oh! Yes Sumin? I asked when I realised who it was.
"I'm calling you from the past one minute and you're lost somewhere" He complained.
"I'm sorry about that, you say what you were going to say?" I nervously laughed at his words trying to shrug it off.

"Y/n is calling you" He let out.
My heart beat increased hearing his words. I was trying to ignore her but what will I do now? I can't even disobey her commands after all she is the head of the group.
"O-okay" I left towards the area where she must be, Working of course.


I entered the library while looking here and there trying my best to find her. As I took more steps ahead I finally got a glimpse of her, there she was talking to the librarian with some books in her hands.

As I finally reached her she took a glimpse of me, still talking to the librarian. I was standing there only patiently waiting for her to finish whatever talk she was having.

When finally she finished she again looked at me and took steps towards me, I Straightened my posture at that.

"Follow me" That's all she said and again started to walk towards the sitting area in the library and just like a lost puppy I followed her.
We sat on an empty bench opposite to each other.

"Y-you called me?" I asked her.
At first she kept looking in my eyes without saying a word, after which seems like an hour she spoke.
"What's wrong with you?" She asked directly.
"Huh?" I was confused.
"I'm asking what's wrong with you?!" She repeated herself but this time a bit louder, she looked angry.
"N-nothing I ju-" She cut me off and continued.
"What do you think Taehyung? That I didn't noticed, you are practically ignoring me and keeping a distance from the past one week. What do you think huh if you do something stupid like this then you can escape from your duties and work as a member in the club!?" She completed.
She was definitely angry there is no doubt in this, and she definitely took my actions in a wrong way.

I didn't expected that my actions would come out like that, I was not trying to escape from my duties, Never. When I was so happy to join the club how come I act like that?

"I trusted you and that's why I chose you over others to join the club even when it was so late, but look at you here! Don't you remember what I said that even if you are not I will make you worth it, is this how we are gonna do it then!? For God sake Taehyung if you can't act mature then leave the club right away!!" She shouted at my face with her angry ones and stood up from her seat and left the library with her stomping feets.

This was not my intentions.

She misunderstood me, what should I do now? Ever since I met her I never saw her this angry, she is disappointed in me, for sure.

My eyes started to fill with tears I never wanted to hurt her in any way. I never knew my actions could even turn out like that! My throat starts to burn as I was trying my best to not let my tears out.

It hurts, it's hurts when someone you loves gets disappointed in you, when you make them regret their decisions of choosing you. When you hurt them even if it was not intentional.

Now I doesn't even know what should I do? Because of my actions now she regrets choosing me. She regrets having me in her club. She regrets.

Just by thinking all of this, my heart is feeling so heavy. After sitting in the library for more 15 minutes and calming myself down, I stood up from my seat and left the library.

As I came out of the library I heard the ringing sound of the bell, it's time to go home now, I started to walk towards the club room as I need to take my bag and stuffs which are still in the club room where I left them before coming to the library.

As I entered the room, I saw the members and everyone laughing, talking, packing their stuffs and leaving the club room. But I didn't saw Y/n anywhere. She was not here.

I came to my seat where I was sitting before and noticed Sumin packing his stuffs, he noticed me that I was back.
"So how was it? Let me guess, she must have praised you for your work as you are such a good boy here or she must have gave you some extra work to do right?" He said that while laughing.
"N-no" I replied.
"Oh? Then what? Don't tell me you did something for which she got angry on you, cause if that's what you did then bro you've fucked up" He again laughed like he was joking around.

"Y-yes. Yes, that's what actually happened and yes, I fucked up... I fucked up bad!" I completed.

-To Be Continued.

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Thank you for reading. I hope you all enjoyed.
- Author Gloss

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