CHAPTER 26 | Burden

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I Thought I Could Hate You,
But It Seems Like My Love For You Was So Deep,
That This Hate Seems So Faded Infront Of It.
I Thought You Were Mine Till The End,
But It Came Out To Be You Were Never Mine To Begin With.
I Don't Hate You For Moving Ahead In Your Life , Its Just I'm A Little Disappointed That How Come I Got Left Behind.
There Is Nothing I Could Do About Us Now, And It Seems Like I Don't Even Want To Do Anything About It.
Cause Again, My love For You Was So Deep, That Even Though We Have A Sad Ending,
It Makes Us Look So Beautiful.
So Beautiful.

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"YOU'RE LIVING TOGETHER?!!" Ji-yu and Jungkook shouted at my face in union and utter shock.
"Y-yeah! Noona asked me to" I replied quietly.
"Damn, you caught me off guards" Jungkook chuckled out.
"Exactly" Ji-yu laughed too.
" didn't knew? Jimin knew about this you know" i asked Ji-yu in confusion.
"Really?! Looks like that man needs a good lesson to learn" Ji-yu huffed.
"That was supposed to be a surprise baby, don't blame me for it" We didn't saw Jimin coming in the cafeteria, He sat beside Ji-yu and ruffled her hairs.
"Yahh" Ji-yu whined in return.

They both are cute, like always.

"Where is Noona?" I asked Jimin in curiosity.
"She have some important work to look after, being the leader isn't easy specially of not only one but two clubs" Jimin answered.
"If you both need some help, anytime anywhere... call me" Jungkook stated while looking at me.
"Surely" I gave him a smile.


[ Y/N POV ]

"I'm on my way, will be there in fifteen" I let out on the call.
"Okay, I'll be waiting" Taehyung answered from the other side of the call before Ending it.

Gosh, I'm tired. Sometimes this work takes the best out of me. The session is coming to an end, I need to close the grading of each and every member as soon as possible as the grades and statements will be shown in their portfolio and resume, its a serious and hard task to do to be honest, with high responsibilities as well.

Right now I am on my way back home, its quiet late already that even Tae called me asking where I'm, the work took too Long to complete.

I fastened my pace to reach sooner, when my phone buzzed. I took out my phone to see who it was.
Jungkook, it states.
"Jungkook?" I answered the call. There was silence for a good amount of time which made me halt on my steps to hear clearly if there was any sounds or glitches because of the bad weather.
"Jungkook, you there?" I asked again.

The first thing I heard was a breath before i was able to clearly hear him.
"Y/n" He called me out.
"Yes Jungkook, you okay?" I asked him as it wasn't how he usually sounds, atleast that's what I'm feeling at the moment.
"Umm... Y/n can you- can you come and meet me at Yangjaecheon" He asked me, But with his voice it much felt like a statement rather than a question.
"Right now?" I asked to make sure.
"Yes" That's all he said.

"Is it something important?" I asked him as I was already late for home, Tae is waiting too.
"Quiet important, actually" He stated.
"Umm... where are you at the moment?" I asked him.
"At Yangjaecheon" he slowly replied.
"You're already there?!" I let out with a higher and startled voice.
"I'm waiting, for you" he said and cut the call.

What should I do? Tae is waiting there and I've already told him that I'm on my way. But Jungkook Seems serious, Something isn't right with him.

I turned my steps towards Yangjaecheon, its very rare when Jungkook actually tries to share his issues and problems, and if he is in need of one then as a best friend i should be there, right? After all Its very unusual of him, he's my best friend and I've known him for years.

And he's behaving different today.

As worry took over me I paced up my speed to reach sooner. I'm sure if it wasn't important he wouldn't have called me at this hour, he's not someone who brings worry to others for no reason.


As soon as I reached there, I let out a long breath. Moving my eyes from here and there I tried my best to find him. There were no one here at this hour, usually it's crowded but as the weather wasn't good, its all silent and empty.

Even Though the place was covered with dark shades because of the weather it still looked beautiful as always, after all there is a reason why this place is well known. Slow and cold breeze with dark clouds and cherry blossoms on trees, With nothing but silence.

And in between the silence and darkness with few lights only I found him, sitting on a bench with his back facing Me. I took steps towards him slowly, And came infront to see him.
"Jungkook?" I called him as he finally recognized my presence.
"Come, sit" he patted beside him on the bench with a small smile on his face.

To my surprise he looked kinda, sad.

I sat beside him slowly while still looking at his face but he avoided the gaze, still looking forward staring at who knows what! I didn't knew what should I say first, is he sad? Is he in some difficulties? Is he stressed out? I don't know what should I say or ask.

"You must be wondering why I called you at this time, isn't it?" He broke the silence himself while still looking forward and not me.
"Of course I'm" I let out slowly.
"Umm... you can say, I called you to let go of a burden from my shoulders, which I'm holding since years" he said while carefully picking out words to say.

"What burden?" I asked in confusion.
"Burden of My feelings" He stated, looked at his hands and a smile came to his face, thinking what to say and what not.
"You know Y/n, feelings... feelings are never a burden on someone specially when they are of their own but when they know those feelings are some sort of which they shouldn't have, they itself becomes a burden... a heavy one" He sigh out and Continued,
"And when your feelings becomes a burden on you they give you Nothing but Sorrow and misery" he breath out and stood up from his seat, taking some steps forward while putting his hands in his pockets of his jeans.

"What are you trying to say Jungkook?" I asked carefully with confusion, Hearing me he turned around to finally look at me in the eyes still standing the same way.
"You still didn't got it?" He let out with a chuckle of sadness.

"I'm in love with you, Y/n" He confessed.

- To Be Continued.

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- Author Gloss

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