CHAPTER 30 | The End

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"My Eyes Refused,
To Watch Her Leave.
So My Tears Came,
To Blur The Vision"

⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓・*˚⁺‧‧⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧‧⁺˚*・༓☾☽༓*˚⁺[ KIM TAEHYUNG POV ]

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I rang the bell while letting out a sigh, I heard footsteps coming closer to the door from the other side. Soon Noona opened the door and gave me a small smile, I tried my best to return it with the same efforts. She locked the door after I came inside.

"Had fun today?" She asked me, still carrying a smile on her lips.
"...No" It came out brutally honest. She didn't came to university today as I asked her to stay back at home and relax as she wasn't in her best state yesterday.
"Why? Something happened?" She pulled me towards the dining table for dinner.
"I mean...Not just fun, infact I had Alot of fun" I quickly changed my statement.

Her expressions changed from worry to relief hearing my Answer.
"Ummm...let me get freshen up" I turned to go upstairs as she settled the plates on the table nodding at me.
"Sure" she sweetly replied.
I left and came in our room and quickly get to take a shower which I so desperately needed. Being honest I need something else more than this right now, something which could bring me peace, something which could answer all my questions, something which could engulf me in its warmth, something which could take this unknown pain away.

Something...Someone, Noona!

I came out of the shower and quickly came down to have dinner with Noona.
She was sitting on one of the chair scrolling through her phone simply waiting for me to join her. The food was kept ready on the table, still untouched.

A smile crept on my lips looking at her, I quickly came and set on one of the chair beside her. She closed her phone as soon as she noticed my presence.
"Sorry, for making you wait" I apologized slowly.
"It's okay, let's quickly have dinner before it gets cold" she let out.
I nodded and took the first spoon of the food made by her in my mouth. Tasty.

"Umm! Noona it's so delicious" My Eyes widened tasting the food as I complimented her, Like I promised to do so whenever she will put efforts to make something for me.
"I'm glad you like it" She smiled at me.
"No, I loved it" I smiled back at her as she laughed hearing my Answer.

"Such An Innocent Boy You Are" She Let Out in a chuckle, But her words caught me. A frown came cross my face as I looked at her. I get it that I'm younger than her but I'm not a kid, right? I can take care of her as well if she needs me to.
"But Noona I Don't Want You To See Me As A Boy" I low-key answered and Took A Deep Breathe And Continued,
"I Want You To See Me As A Man, Your Man" I Desperately Completed.

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