CHAPTER 18 | Confession

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So My Love Tell Me,
Where Should I Go?
To The Left,
Where Nothing's Right?
Or To The Right,
Where Nothing's Left...

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I never felt this way before... This feeling. Why the hell am I that nervous, I mean the worst could happen to me is that she will reject me! Then what's there to be scared of?

Well, Maybe not the fear of rejection but the fear of what comes after. What if I never get to talk to her again? What if I never get to see her again?

What if I lost her? Both, In Love and Friendship?

I'm walking through the hallway towards my locker to put my books in it with jimin, without noticing that I was actually just lost in my thoughts throughout the way from home to university this morning.

"Bro you sure about it?" Jimin asked me.
"Yes, it's now or never...coz I don't think I'll get this courage ever again" I assured him as he nodded at my words. I didn't saw Y/n anywhere when I looked around, looks like she haven't arrived yet. I came to my first class with Jimin, I guess it's better if I just focus on my lecture for now and let's wait for what comes after.


It is already recess and God damn the whole time I was so busy with my lectures back to back, well it was good too as it distracted me from my nervousness and random thoughts.

"I'm so hungry, let's quickly get to the cafeteria" Jimin whined while holding his stomach with one hand and the books with another. I chuckled hearing him and shook my head slowly. We were just few steps away from our lockers and my all attention was on Jimin during the whole time.

We reached our lockers as I put all my books back inside, when all of a sudden I stopped, I don't know why but my heart was telling me to turn around, and I did. There she is, the only one.

I didn't saw her since the morning, she was with Ji-yu as always and was coming towards the lockers with her books.

She didn't noticed me yet, but when she did... Even though her face was all cold but her eyes, when our eyes met they were shining like nothing before, I could see galaxies in her eyes, I could see the glow on her face and something, Something through the universe told me to just tell her what I feel, to just take the risk now.

My heart told me, that it's the Time.

As always people were starring at her, and there were high chances that they'll witness what's gonna happen here and if I got rejected then my life will be a living hell.

But even if they saw me confessing to her... Then that's not my concern, If they will bully me for that afterwards, still I'll always be grateful to myself that I got the courage to confess to her in front of these people.

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