CHAPTER 22 | Vulnerable

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May My Heart
Be The Softest Place,
You Fall.
May My Love
Be The Wildest Place,
You Run.

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[ Y/N POV ]

The fact that Taehyung haven't noticed my presence yet justifies that in how much pain he is that he isn't even able to cope up with the surroundings, Witnessing him in this condition my eyes filled with rage and tears.

"I'll ask just once, did you all did this to him yesterday too?" I asked them while my eyes were still on Taehyung. And this time hearing my voice he looked towards me, and just by his slowly widening eyes I could tell he didn't expected me to be here.

I diverted my eyes from him to Haneul with full rage,
"ANSWER ME!?!" I shouted at his face, but on the place of answering he chucked at me while maintaining a smirking face.
"What if, I say yes?" He taunted me, And this time i chuckled hearing him.

Without saying any other word I took one step closer to him and pulled my right hand up and punched him hard on his left cheek, which made him stumble back on his feets, noticing my unexpected move his so called friends came to catch me up, but Haneul showed them his left hand as a signal to stop right there while his other hand came up to his now paining jaw.

He slowly stood up on his feets and again smirked at me while coming closer to me,
"What have got into you both huh? Minutes back he was fighting back as well, to be honest that was impressive but still he ended up on the floor, and now you" He said while pointing towards Taehyung.

"What's your fucking problem?!" I asked him harshly with anger.
"My problem? My problem is that I'm trying to impress you since so long and on my place this dumbhead right here, got you" He expressed his thoughts.
"Oh god Haneul, how many times do i have to tell you I'm not interested in you, why don't you get it!!" I spoke in an annoying voice, the fact that he was harming Taehyung because of me made me feel awful.

"Why?? Why don't you like me? I'm famous, rich, good looking, powerful, I've every single fucking thing which this asshole doesn't have!" He shouted while looking at Taehyung with Jealous filled eyes.
"Watch your mouth and do you really think I want what you have?!" I scoffed at him.
"I know! But I just don't get it, why him?! What's that he have and I don't?!" He asked me while pointing towards Taehyung.

"You're not Him!" I answered him simply, But hearing my reply he scoffed again and lightly shook his head while taking few steps back with his hands on his waist. By his face anyone could tell he wanted to reply back but he couldn't, he again looked towards Taehyung with hateful eyes,
"You! Watch out your way!" He warned Taehyung and turned his steps towards the door to leave.

"Haneul" I called him out as he stopped and looked back at me while I continued,
"Today it was just a punch, One scratch on him again and you're done for your life" I warned him for the last time but without giving any reply he left with his friends.

I let out a big sigh as I slowly looked back towards Taehyung who was trying his best to stand up, I quickly ran up to him and caught his shoulder helping him to stand up. With a little support I helped him out and made him sit on one of the benches while I stood in front of him.

His head hung low as he didn't said anything but the tears were silently streaming down his puffy cheeks.
"Let me look" I said while I pulled my hand up to touch his cheek but unfortunately he moved his face a little backwards not letting me touch him.

"I-i'm f-fine" He quietly answered, but noticing his shivering body it made his words sound like a lie,
"Taehyung!" I firmly called him as he finally moved forward for me to touch his face while his head still hung low.

I pulled my hand up again till his forehead and brushed the hairs out of his forehead to get a clear look while with my other hand I took my handkerchief out of my pocket as I looked at the wound on the side of his forehead which was bleeding badly.

Slowly I tried to touch the bleeding wound with the cloth to stop the bleeding, I was surprised to see that when the cloth touched his forehead he didn't even made a sound of pain even after getting this deep wounds.
"Is it hurting?" I still asked him.

"Noona!" He called me out as he took a hold of my wrist to stop my actions.
I looked at his face as he finally for the first time looked at me. His face was covered with bloody wounds and tears as his eyes were all red.

"I fought back Noona! I know I might have made you feel embarrassed that I lost to them but trust me Noona I fought back to them, I tried to stand them as long as I could. I stood there facing them for you, for us... But I'm sorry Noona that I couldn't fought back till the end" He finally cried his heart out.

Hearing his words my eyes softened as my heart melted, without saying a word I pulled his body towards me and captured him into my warm embrace. He slowly locked his arms around me while his face buried in the crook of my neck as he cried loudly while sobbing hard.

The whole room was echoing with his loud sobs and whimpers. I never knew he felt this insecure about himself, maybe that's the only reason why he didn't told me anything about what happened to him yesterday either.

"I'm proud of you" I whispered out the words as he let out a whine filled sob, Seeing him this vulnerable my heart ached. His body was shivering and The fact that he wanted to face it all by himself made me feel proud of the man I loved.

I knew he must have felt scared from inside while he suffered all this for straight two days, I rubbed his back softly giving him the comfort he deserves, the warmth he deserves. I wanted him to feel safe now, that everything is over now and he is where he should be, in my arms.

"It's all over now, you're home now" I assured him.

- To Be Continued.

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- Author Gloss

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