CHAPTER 23 | Return

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Your Love Is Growing
Into My Lungs,
They Think I'm Insane
Talking About You Always,
But, Little Do They Know
That I Breathe In Your Presence.
Your Love Is Growing In Me
Who Knows,
Maybe I'm Living You,
Instead Of Just Loving You.

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[ Y/N POV ]

"Noona I'm fine now" Taehyung whispered as I put ointment on his wounds.
"Yeah, I can see that" I replied back in a sarcastic way as I can clearly see his hands shivering.

He may lie with his words but his body can't.

"Here, it's all done" I said as I touched the bandage slowly while he slowly stood up. I helped him to walk throughout the nurse room to his next class. When we entered his classroom the whole room was neither fully empty nor full. There were just few students chatting and minding their own business.

I helped him as he slowly sat back on his seat, while I noticed few students were now watching us.
"Tell me which class you have" I asked him without caring about the other students.
"Business" He simply answered back as he knows it's won't help in any way if he just denies me.
"Okay, you stay here I will bring your books from your locker and I'll call Jimin too" I answered as he slowly smiled at me.

I quickly turned around and ran out of his class to the lockers, when I finally reached his locker I saw Jimin getting his own books from his locker.
"Jimin you're going to the class?" I asked him while I pulled books from Taehyung's locker.
"Yeah I'm" He replied while he turned to face me.

I was going to say something but I caught a glimpse of a crumbled paper in his locker, my eyebrows frowned as I took the paper and opened it to read.
To my surprise it says "Hey Dumbo, don't be so happy about getting saved by Y/n today. She's here to save you but she won't be there for you at home, so I'm gonna come to your place and get you. Wait for me till then, I won't leave you that easily. -Haneul".

The expressions on my face turned from frown to anger as I read the whole note. That Dipshit. He definitely knows how to get on my nerves, I turned to Jimin who was still looking at me.
"Jimin, I've a favor to ask you!" I said to him.
"Like what?" He asked me curiously.
"Take a look at this first" I handled him the crumbled note, when he looked at it his eyes slowly widened.

"The fuck! Isn't it going too overboard now?!" He looked annoyed with Haneul's moves, I could tell that just looking at his face.
"You know where I live right, you don't have the last class so, here is the key to my house and I guess you know what to do... I can trust you on that right?" I asked him as I handled him the key to my house.

He took the key from my hand and analyzed it closely.
"Gosh of course, never knew Taehyung will live somewhere else even when we both live in the same city" He sadly smiled.
"I'm sorry, but his safety matters" I comforted him a bit.
"Yeah, don't know how that asshole found the location to my place" He rubbed his forehead as he closed his eyes trying to figure out how Haneul must have found his location.
"And don't tell Taehyung anything about this yet" I told him as I took the note from his hand to throw it.
"Yeah, see you later" He turned to go to his next class as I handled him Taehyung's books.

I stared at Jimin's back wondering how will Taehyung react to this, he won't mind right? After all we're doing this for his safety, And Taehyung was looking for a place too. I remembered he told me he didn't wanna be a burden on Jimin no more, I guess this will work then.


I was standing at the outside of the university waiting for Taehyung to come when suddenly my phone ringed. I opened it and looked at the message I received, it's Jimin. He said he was done with what I asked him to do, I guess then it's better if I take Taehyung directly with me.
"Noona?" I turned around when I heard him calling me, He smiled at me slowly with his bruised lips.

He's Beautiful, Always.

I smiled at him back as he came close to me with a smile still on his lips.
"I was waiting for you" I let out.
"How lucky I'm" He showed me his big smile and I chuckled at his words.
"Shall we go then?" I questioned as he nodded at my words.

We both were walking slowly through the path, while the weather was clouded but looked all soothing. I slowly pulled my hand out and slipped through his, holding his hand tightly with mine, his hands were warm in this cold weather.

He looked at our hands when he felt my hands helding his, he wasn't looking at me when his cheeks started to turn red as I adored him quietly.
"You're blushing" I smiled at him.
"I-i'm sorry" He said as he finally looked in my eyes feeling embarrassed.

I pulled him a bit closer to me as I felt the coldness around me.
"Don't say that, there is nothing to be sorry about if you like what your girlfriend do to you" I consoled and teased him at the same time, he just smiled wider at me.

"Taehyung how do you wanna live if you have a house of your own?" I asked him while trying to change the topic, of course I didn't wanted him to die out of blushing that much.
"That's all of a sudden, any special reason?" He chuckled.
"I wanna know... everything about you" I spat honestly.

He stopped on his tracks when he heard me, I turned to him and looked at him. His face held some unreadable expressions which I never saw before.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"No one ever said something like this to me before" He slowly chuckled out.

My smile slowly disappeared from my face when I realized the real meaning behind his words, the fact that no one ever tried to know him from the inside ever, hurted me.

He must have been lonely all his life.

"Tell me, please" I asked again as I pulled him to walk again.
"Umm... Nothing highlighted, just a small place where I could live with someone whom I could call my own family, just a small place where I want to return everyday keeping in mind that there is someone waiting for me to return" He whispered out.

- To Be Continued.

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- Author Gloss

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