CHAPTER 16 | Answers

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It Was Me,
It Was You,
It Was The Silence
Underneath The Stars
That Understood My Heartbeat,
And It's Racing.
You Told Me Nothing,
I Believed Everything.
In That Moment
I Found Life.
In That Moment...
I Found You.

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I flinched hard and turned around,
To see who it was. And all I could see was...Y/n.

She is really here? At this late at night?

"What are you doing here Noona?" I asked her while turning towards her.
"Don't you think I should be the one asking you this" She let out while coming closer and sitting down beside me.
"Umm... It's just I wasn't feeling sleepy" I answered as I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Well same goes here" She huffed out as she looked at the beautiful lake in front of us deeply.

I turned back straight and did the same, we were sitting quietly while enjoying the view and all we heard was our slow breathing and the insects.

I still can't believe it, she is sitting here with me and enjoying this beautiful view at the middle of the night... Just us. My cheeks slowly started to change it's colour from normal to crimson red, I hope she couldn't see my blushing cheeks in the dark.

"Taehyung are you feeling cold?" She suddenly asked, breaking the silence.
"N-no, why?" I asked as I tried to behave normal.
"Your nose is red and... Your cheeks too" She asked with a blank face.

Shit, she caught me.

Hearing her my cheeks started to turn more and more red,
"I-i don't know, it can be the coldness who knows" I said in hesitation.
"Oh really? Or are you thinking about someone while looking at this beautiful view huh?" She smirked.
"WHAT?! N-No! There is nothing like that!!" I shouted at her face.
God, she never teased me before, and even if she is teasing me, can't she find something good to tease about.

Like here I'm, getting teased by the girl I like about liking a girl, damn it.

She laughed out loud hearing me. Her hands were on her mouth as she laughed, I was panicking a second before but now looking at her like this, I'm feeling at peace.

She looks beautiful, when she smile.

For a second I forgot what we were talking about as I constantly stared at her, shamelessly. She was still laughing when she again looked in my way and her laughs started to die down.

She wasn't laughing anymore, but she was looking at me... Just the way I was looking at her, in the eyes.
Without saying anything, quietly.
There was again silence, but this time there wasn't actually silence... It felt like we were talking, with our eyes.
At this moment I knew, That this is, Something more.

That She is not just someone I like,
But Someone I Love.

She was still looking, And my heart started to beat faster and my cheeks again started to burn and turn crimson red, I think I need to ask her,
"Noona, who was that boy you dated before?"

Hearing me her those beautiful twinkling eyes again turned cold, I know by asking this I just ruined the beautiful moment we were having. But I can't help it, I need to know.

I need to know, who was that boy she dated? what happened between them? What happened to that boy? What was the reason they broke up? Does she still like him? Have she move on from him? Does that have something to do with why she is this cold? And most importantly,

Did he broke her heart?!

I need the answers to all my question before I take any step towards her, towards us. And if he broke her heart then I need to heal her, for her sake, for my sake, for our sake.

"W-who told you this?" She coldly asked while again turning towards the lake.
"That's not important, please tell me who was he?" I again asked.
"Everything was in the past, it's better if you don't bring it up" She replied with bitterness in her voice.
"Noona?" I pleaded.

Her eyes were all red, she looked angry like she was again feeling all the pain she felt before, like she hated to remember all the old memories.
"I-i need to know, Noona I want to know everything that is related to you, please..." I blurt out.
But she remained silent, she was looking at the ground... Lost somewhere.

When for few minutes she didn't said anything I felt like she didn't want to tell me, Then I guess it's better if I don't push her any further,
"He left me... For someone else" She slowly said.
What? How?... I couldn't believe what I just heard. How can someone leave someone like her? Someone so pure, so beautiful, so down to earth...
Someone so out of the world.

"It have always been hard for me to tell what I actually feel and most people hated me for that but when we started dating I thought that No, I can be loved too, without feeling insecure about anything... That I can be loved too... Selflessly" I was listening to her quietly as she chuckled with bitterness and continued,
"I was happy for the very first time in my life, never knew that everything was fake... That he was with me, not for me but for my money, and there was no doubt that he must have felt bored with my not so bubbly personality, so when he found someone much better then me... He left.
He left me, Broken" Her eyes were teary but she didn't cried, afterall she was pouring her heart out today.

"You know the fun fact, When he left... I could see every ill thing he did which I was ignoring throughout our relationship. He was an Asshole" We both chuckled hearing her words.
"Noona, I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked you all this... You must be feeling all the pain again which you felt before" I apologized sincerely.
"Not at all, well it's true that it hurts a little to remember all those memories, not for him but for me... I pity my older self. But now I'm all happy and you know... Tuff" She again laughed.

A smile crept on my face seeing her, she is so strong... And I adore her for that. After hearing all this the respect I have for her have increased more... And for sure, same goes to my Love for her.

I've got all my answers, and now I know what I have to do. I don't know if I'll succeed in that or not but,
I have to do it... I need to do it.

I need to Confess to her.
I need to Confess,
My Love.

- To Be Continued.

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-Author Gloss

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