CHAPTER 17 | Decision

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To Me, She Is
Those Final Steps
The Turn Around
The Last Bend
And A Little House
With A Faint Laugh
With A Light On
And A Fire Lit
Floating On The Warm Wind-
She Is
My Always,
Coming Home...

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"What?!? That's not fair" Jungkook whined as we all rest of the students huffed out.
"Who the fuck cancels the camping trip in the middle?" He again whined. We can't blame him for reacting this way.

As our rest of the remaining camping trip just got cancelled. What a luck.
"Well, what's the reason?" He asked Ji-yu and we all carefully listened.
"Professor said there is a sudden landslide happened on the main hiking area... So simply we can't go there anymore and are plans are ruined" Ji-yu sighed as well.

Here we are all packing our stuffs again as we all have to go back today, I still can't believe it... My all plans got ruined because of this sick landslide.

Well, I know I can't exactly say that, my main motive was to ask Y/n about her past when I'll get a chance which I successfully did, but that doesn't mean I didn't wanted to go for hiking.

God damn, why today.

We all completed our packing and came back to the bus stop area where all those buses were waiting to take us back... Already.

"Okay students I know the sudden announcement made you all sad but as you all know we can't do anything in this, so it's better to just go back as soon as possible coz there is no benefits in staying here anymore, so please corporate and get in the buses all of you" One of the professor announced.

Some of the students started talking to each other again while the others were getting into the buses. So it's time to say goodbye to this beautiful place, which I haven't even explored yet property to be practical.

We five also got into one of the buses and sat back on one of the empty seats, but this time Y/n and Ji-yu sat together while Jimin sat with me and Jungkook.

Expected, I mean... who wants to do romance after their all plans got ruined huh?

I guess it's better if I just sleep throughout the way back. There is no use of thinking all of this now, Atleast I'll get some rest till I get back into my schedule again.


"WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Jimin screamed on my face.
"Yes, I am" I let out.
"You fucking going to confess to her?!" He again asked to reassure.
"Yes, I've decided that I'll confess my feeling to her" I repeated.

"Do you know what she feels?" He tilted his head and asked.
"No! And there are high chances that I'll get rejected by her" I said while lowering my head.
"So... You won't mind if she will reject you?" He seriously asked.
"I-i... I won't" That... Was a lie.

I do want to get accepted by her, I wanna give the best of me to her. But at the same time I'm not sure what she feels, also what I asked her few days back about her ex was quite revealing that she wasn't just with him for fun, she was serious with him.

Without even asking I got my answer, his absence did affected her that she have became this cold. It's expected from her to be honest, after all she was heart broken back then.

And it won't be strange if she just rejected me within a second of my confession, I don't even know if she still likes him or not? Does she have moved on from him or not? If I have a chance or not?

It's true too that I'm no way a match for her, she's rich I'm not, she have her own house I don't, she's special I'm not, she's popular I'm not, she's loved by everyone I'm not, she have a family... I don't, And what not.

Still I'm ready to take the risk.

"Are you feeling scared?" He put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm. But you know what Jimin no matter if she rejects me Or not, I-i... I just want her to know how I feel at least" I let out my true thoughts.
"Don't worry everything will be fine... Hwaiting!" He cheered me up with his bubbly voice and I chuckled.

There was a moment of silence until Jimin decides to break it again,
"Taehyung... Are you that serious for her?" He politely asked.
"Too much, after all I've never felt this way for anyone before" I let out.
"So when are you planning to confess to her?" He took a glass of water and drank it.
"Tomorrow" Hearing my words Jimin chocked on his water.

"TOMORROW?! FOR REAL!" He asked while trying to breath.
I slowly rubbed his back and gave him few tissues from the tissue box on the table.
"Yeah... I don't wanna delay anymore" I cooed.

Jimin took few deep breaths and sat back straight again on the couch beside me.
"You are right, btw... You know you can ask me for some tips to how to successfully confess to a girl, after all I have experience in this" Jimin teased me out.
"Haha... No thanks, I can handle it myself" I puffed out.

Jimin chuckled while looking at my reaction as I also started laughed.
He knows that I'm nervous for tomorrow, And at the same time he knows too... How to make me feel revealed as well from all this nervousness.

We took our glass of juice from the table and watched the television which was showing us a random movie, practically which we didn't gave attention to for all this time.

Even though I was watching the television but my mind was not there, I wonder what will happen tomorrow.
Will she stop talking to me after my confession? Everything will still be the same between us right?

And most importantly,
Will I also end up getting heart broken... Like her?

-To Be Continued.

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The long awaiting chapter is coming soon, So hang in there.
- Author Gloss

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