CHAPTER 4 | Butterflies

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Dusty Air, Misty Snow
Clogging Veins, Blocking Tubes
Teary Eyes, Blurring Memories,
Whispering Voices And Descending Breath...
Failing Brains And Terminating Hearts...
Love Lost In An Unknown City,
Story Of A Twinkling Love.

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Okay so here we go again. The second day of University, I hope I'll be fine today.

Jimin and me, we are on our way to university. The morning is so beautiful today.

The cloudy sky with little breeze blowing and the smell of Summer.
It's very healing.

"Jimin!" We turned around as someone called Jimin.

It was a girl but seems like I have saw her before, somewhere.
But where?

She came running to us. And stopped in front of us, she was breathing heavily as she have ran a marathon.

"Ji-yu?" Jimin let out, seems like he wasn't expecting her here.
I was silently looking at them.
Trying to figure out what's happening here, but wait!

Ji-yu? Seo Ji-yu? Jimin's Girlfriend? That's what her name is...right?

She smiled at Jimin Cheekily, and gave him a small hug.

Before I could think any further that girl turned towards me and looked at me.

"You are Taehyung right?" She asked pointing out to me.

"Y-yeah" I replied back to her. She knows me? Did Jimin told her about me?

"Okay I wasn't planning it this soon but here we go, Taehyung this is Ji-yu My Girlfriend and Ji-yu as you guessed he's Taehyung, My bestie" Jimin explained it to the both of us.

"Nice to finally meet you Taehyung" She said while extending her hand towards me to meet.

I took her hand and shook it slowly and let out "Nice to meet you too Ji-yu".

" But Ji-yu what are you doing here? I mean you take other route to reach university right?" Jimin asked her curiously.

University? She's in our university?
Wait a second.
Oh! That's her, I saw her with Y/n yesterday. Are they both friends?

But, even before that, it's strange....she's Jimin's girlfriend. And she's Y/n friend.... That means Y/n and Jimin know each other personally?

Jimin told me about her. But he didn't mentioned that they both know each other.

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