CHAPTER 8 | Wonder

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I Got A Feeling
Sometimes If I Could Be
Under Your Skin
Closer Than We've
Ever Been...

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"Come I'll buy you these" She completed.

Wait, what?!

"H-huh?" Was all that came out of my mouth.
"Do i need to repeat myself" She said this time looking at me in the eyes.
"Noona... I thought we are here to buy clothes for you" I completed.
"Did I ever mentioned that I took you here along with me to buy clothes for... Me!?" She let out.


"But Noona I-i can't afford this" I tried.
"But I'm buying it for you" She replied.
"Noona... No. I can't accept it either" I tried my best to explain it to her that I neither can't accept it nor afford it, it's hard for me specially when we are nothing... To each other.

How will I accept it as "just a gift" from someone special, When she haven't even mentioned me as her friend yet.

I don't know if she even take me as her friend... Expecting her to be someone special like "More than friends" is far away like a dream.

"And why is that so?" She narrowed her eyebrows at me.
"Because... B-because you have already done so much for me without expecting anything in exchange and now this... I'm already feeling getting burdened up by your kindness towards me" I tried to sound as true as possible.

"And who said to take it as a reference of kindness of mine?" She asked.
I looked in her eyes not knowing the exact meaning of her words.
"I'm doing it... Because I want to do it for you, nothing more nothing less" She completed still staring at my face.

Fluttered, That's all I could feel.

"Noona...?" I didn't know how to reply to her at this point.
"We are taking it for you and you will gonna come to the party for sure wearing this, end of discussion" She said and walked towards the counter area probably to pay for it.

I started at her back still not moving from my place.

Noona... Sometimes your words makes me feel like, that you never mentioned me as your friends is because you don't take me as one... But something more than that.


Next Day

I wore the clothes that she chose for me, and yes, they look good... I mean I can say they do suit me well.

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