CHAPTER 13 | Falling Hard

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You're The Sweetest Thing
I Have Ever Known,
And To Think That
You're Mine Alone.

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No matter what, I've to apologize to her and clear everything anyhow.

I was on my way towards my Club room, This week we got an assignment which we have to submit before the week ends, This is very important for my grades.

Well, we still have three days left till the week ends but i specifically completed my assignment sooner... Maybe because I can prove it to Y/n that I'm not trying to escape from my responsibilities in this club.

And also to talk to her, as if I'll submit it on the last day then there must be many other students for submission too, which will unfortunately won't let me have a chance to talk to her, privately.

So here I'm. To make everything right.

As I entered the club room i found Y/n sitting on one of the benches alone, her back was facing me and she was working on some papers while wearing headphones which justify why she didn't noticed my presence yet.

I put my bag down on one of the seats and took out my assignment from my bag.

I should go to her, Everything will be alright... Right?

I took a deep breath and took steps towards her, I lightly patted on her shoulder so she could notice that i am here.

She turned around, and by her face it looked like she felt startled by witnessing me here.
I gave her a small smile, as she pulled her headphones down and completely turned towards me.

Just by her face expression I could guess she wanted me to continue and tell her why I'm here, and what I wanted to say.

"Umm.. Here, the assignment... I've already completed it so i thought I should submit it" I said while extending my hand which held my assignment.

She looked towards my hand and then back at my face, then she again looked at my hand and slowly took the assignment from me.

"You completed it...already?" She asked while analyzing my assignment.
"Yes" I replied slowly.
"Okay... Good" She said and stood up from her seat. She packed all her stuffs and started to leave the room.

"Noona!" I called her out.
Hearing my words she stopped on her way, and slowly turned towards me again.
"Yes?" That's all she asked.
"C-can we talk?... About what happened that day" I asked desperately.
Hearing my words she let out a deep breath and again came back on her previous seat and sat down again. I also sat down on the seat next to her.

"Say" She said while looked towards my face.
"I-i.. Ummm... I'm Sorry" That's all what came out of my mouth.
And i tried to continue,
"I'm sorry if I made you feel like was was being careless and was trying to escape from my duties and responsibilities, but in real i wasn't! I wasn't trying to escape, it was not my intentions" I said it all in one go.

"I know" She said with her straight face.
I frowned at her words, she Knows?
I'm confused here.
"I know you wasn't trying to do anything which I said that day. It's just came out of my mouth in the heat of the moment as I was angry and... Hurt" Her voice become low when she said those last words, but it was loud enough for me to hear.

She was angry and... hurt? Because of me? Why?

"Why?... You were angry and hurt" I asked in attempt to solve the puzzle.
But she didn't said anything and tried to ignore the eye contact with me.
By her face it looked like she doesn't want to answer this question.
She didn't answer, but i thought to try again,
"Noona?.. Why y-"

My heart beat increased hearing her words... She was hurt because I ignored her?! For real?!

She calm down a little from the small outburst, took a deep breath and continued,
"I was hurt, as you were ignoring me... I don't know why! Taehyung have I did something which you didn't liked and were ignoring me for?!" She asked.
"NO! No.. There is nothing like that Noona" Now I'm understanding her outburst on me that day... Simply anyone would get angry if they would get ignored for no reason.

"Then why?" She asked again.
What should I say? That I was trying to ignore her because I am scared that I am falling too hard for her?
No, she will slap me right on my face in an instant for saying that!

"Noona.. Actually I wasn't trying to ignore you or anything it just came out that way, actually I was a little bit stressed out that's all" I lied.
I can't tell her the truth, not yet.

"Stressed? Why?" She asked lightly.
"Umm... Just I'm trying to find an apartment for me, you know I can't live in Jimin's house for my whole life, I know he won't deny but it's just me who feels that I'm burdening him" Well this was not the exact reason, but yes I was saying the truth.

I'm looking for an apartment from the past week which I haven't found yet. This all is so stressed out.

"So... Did u found one?" She tilted her head and asked.
"Not yet... I'm still looking" I answered.
"Umm.. Okay tell me if you need some help" She stated.
"Okay! So ummm... Are we good now?" I asked her curiously.
"Yup... And I'm sorry too for shouting at you that day" She said.
"It's all okay noona" I smiled at her.
And guess what, She smiled back at me.

God, her smile.
She's just... Something, unpredictable.
She's just pulling me towards her more and more, and I can't seem to ignore her anymore. It was already so hard for me to do that and now,
I just can't, I don't have the strength to do that anymore.

But Now, Now I think it's impossible,
To Not Fall Harder For Her...
Because I Know, That I'm Already Falling Hard For Her.

-To Be Continued.

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Taehyung's LAYO(V)ER Album Is Out Today!!! Please Support Him

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Taehyung's LAYO(V)ER Album Is Out Today!!!
Please Support Him... The Album Is So Beautiful!

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