CHAPTER 21 | Tears

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If It's Stays,
Then It's Love
If It's Ends,
Then It's A Love Story
And If It's Never Started,
Then It's A Fantasy.

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[ Y/N POV ]

I'm on my bed snuggled through the duvets and reading my favorite book with some coffee, Nothing can be better than this when you're sick. While coming back home yesterday with Taehyung, Guess what not him but I myself caught a cold. What a luck.

That's why I didn't go to university today, I don't want others to catch a cold cause of me. Letting out a sigh I took a sip of my coffee when my door bell rang, and I already knew who this must be.

I came out of the bed and slowly came down the stairs to the door to open it.
"GIRL, WHY DIDN'T YOU CAME TODAY?" Ji-yu shouted on my face.
"You see, I'm sick" I let out while pointing towards my own face.
"Oh! You fine now?" She asked as she came inside.
"Yeah, quite much" I answered.

We both came to the living room and sat on the couch,
"You want something?" I asked.
"Nah, I'm good" She let out as I just nodded at her words.
"Oh girl, you should have came you know in the morning Taehyung was  roming around with a blushing face" She said in a teasing way.
"Is he? But why?" I questioned.
"What why? Of course it's cause of you, he was expecting to see you but to his bad luck you didn't came, poor guy" She said while making a pitiful face and all I could do was let out a chuckle.
"Okay I got your words, it's not like I've left uni, I will come tomorrow" I remind her.

She has a smile on her face, but to my surprise it all of a sudden vanished.
"But you know, I didn't saw him throughout the day afterwards. He didn't even joined us in the cafeteria and when the uni ended I saw him, but strangely he was wearing his hoodie cap and he seemed in a hurry I even called him out but he just left" She explained.

"Maybe he didn't heard you and about him leaving in a hoodie cap well, it's not a crime you know he can wear that whenever he wants" I tried to assure her with my words that's she just Overthinking.
"Maybe. You know I just felt maybe something's wrong with him after all yesterday he did something which most people weren't happy about" She put her hand on my shoulder giving me the sign, and I took it.

That's true, somewhere in the back of my mind I know too many people aren't Happy about our confession, like Haneul.

"I'll surely ask him tomorrow if something is wrong" I let out.
"Oh yeah, I totally forgot, here Jungkook asked me to give you this" She said while she took some papers from her bag and gave them to me. When I looked into them, they seemed to be the worksheets of the lectures which I missed today.

"That man surely knows how to impress a girl" She laughed at her own words.
"Yahh! We're just friends" I said.
"Hey, I didn't even said anything like that, I just mean that he's definitely the type to date, i don't understand why he's single" She shrugged her shoulder.
"I'll treat him tomorrow for this" I chuckled while looking at the worksheets.


Next Day

I came to the university today, I had to catch up with yesterday's work anyhow, afterall I've two clubs to handle as I quickly got to work. I've decided to ask Taehyung  about what happened yesterday in the recess time, I thought till then I'll be able to complete my work.

But I didn't thought that I wouldn't  even be able to get a glimpse of him throughout the morning. It's actually strange, but keeping the second thoughts aside I came to the cafeteria as it's already time for recess. When I looked throughout the cafeteria I saw three of them already there.

"Where is Taehyung?" I asked them as soon as I reached them.
"He haven't arrived yet" Ji-yu answered. I slowly nodded as I quietly sat beside Jungkook, still thinking why he's late.
"Umm.. Jimin do you know anything about what happened to Taehyung yesterday?" I asked him in hopes to receive an acceptable answer.
"I called him in the recess time yesterday but he just said he have some important assignments to complete and he even left to home before me, as told him on the call that me and Ji-yu were having a night over at her place. And I  directly came to university from Ji-yu's place today" He explained everything.
"And... what about now?" I asked again.
"I called him but he didn't picked up" He simply answered.

The fact that he wasn't in contact with anyone since yesterday made me worry, I quickly pulled out my phone and called him, the phone rang but he didn't picked up this time either. And maybe this time I knew what's happening.

"I'm just coming in few minutes" I said and I quickly got up from my seat and ran out of the cafeteria as they shouted to stop me while others watched, but I didn't looked back nor I stopped.

I have a gut feeling that Haneul have something to do with this, I quickly followed the stairs, I'm not even sure if I'm going to the correct place or not but as much as I can assume they must be somewhere empty, where mostly no one comes or where no one can see them.

The third floor is the right place for that.

I'm wondering if yesterday too all this happened when I was not here in the university? Haneul did looked very angry that day, and I already knew that someone like him won't let someone go that easily, but I swear to God if something happened to him I'll show this Park Fucking Haneul what hell feels like.

As I got on the third floor I quickly looked to my left then to my right, where should I go first? I was breathing heavily, but suddenly in between my heavy breathing I heard someone's grunt.

It was coming from the right side of the hall, I quickly started to go towards the right side while checking every room, my heels were clicking to the floor producing loud sounds in the silent hall. All of a sudden a loud thud came from the last room, and without wasting anymore time I ran towards the last room.

As I reached the gate, I snapped opened the door with a loud thud. I saw four tall figures as they turned towards me, As I've assumed they were Haneul and his friends. But right at this moment I wanted to look at someone else, someone more important, for whom I'm actually here.

I took two steps inside the room, when out of all these four men my eyes landed on the fifth one who was lying on the floor in front of them, shaking And breathing hard. A boy all covered in dust, with bruises on his face, lip bleeding, a wound on the side of his forehead with a stream of blood coming out.

There he was, Taehyung with Tears in his pure eyes.

- To Be Continued.

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- Author Gloss

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