CHAPTER 15 | Campsite

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"She Just Wanted Love
So She Put Everyone Else Above
Giving Them All She Had
Even Tho It Always,
Left Her Feeling Bad"

"She Just Wanted LoveSo She Put Everyone Else AboveGiving Them All She HadEven Tho It Always, Left Her Feeling Bad"

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Shit! I'm late!
Thanks to Jimin, I still don't get it why there is a need to take every single thing with you... I mean its just a camp of two days not two years.

Here we are Jimin and me reaching the University JUST on time.
As soon as we entered the entrance gate we saw three big buses, to take us to camping as expected.

"Ahh! My legs" Jimin whined while holding his legs and panting hard.
"It's all because of you" I taunt back while panting even harder.
"Sorry" He replied while finally gaining his breath.

"Jimin!!!" Someone shouted.
As we turned around it was Ji-yu, who was waving at us.
With her I saw Jungkook and... Y/n.

They both are coming too?!?!

I thought the camp was for only freshers, but it's not like I'm complaining or something.
To be honest this is better, I'll be able to be with her there.

It's gonna be fun, hopefully.

We got into one of the buses, there were already many seats which were taken by other students. But we saw the last seats were still empty so we took those seats for us.
As expected, On the two-set seats Ji-yu and Jimin sat together. And just on their right on the three-set seats Jungkook, Y/n and I sat down.

As everyone sat down we heard one of the Professor telling us that the bus ride will be of straight three hours.
Hearing that I looked towards Jimin and Ji-yu, well they were busy on their own... You know cute couple stuffs. Then I looked towards Jungkook he was relaxing with headphones on, probably listening to music.

When I turn towards Y/n, she was reading a book, as much as I can take a glance it was a novel.
Well, that means everyone have something to do unlike me... Boring.

It's better if I just quietly sleep like many other students here.
I woke up quiet early to pack up stuffs and because of Jimin we ran the whole way to university, I'm tired.
I closed my eyes and within a blink, sleep took over me.


[ Y/N POV ]

I was reading my favorite book silently when all of a sudden I felt something on my shoulder.
When I looked towards that direction, I found Taehyung sleeping with his head on my shoulder and a small pout on his lips.


Looking at him sleeping so peacefully, I got a small smile on my face. When I looked around, Jimin and Ji-yu were also sleeping while holding hands and even Jungkook was sleeping with his music still going on in his headphones.

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