CHAPTER 5 | Clubs

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Out Of The Night That Cover Me,
Black As The Pit From Pole To Pole,
I Thank Whatever God Gave Me,
For My Unconquerable Soul...

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It's time to go back home... But i still haven't find any club for me! What should I do?

I need to ask Jimin again, I guess.

Jimin and Ji-yu were coming my way while talking with each other.
They stopped in front of me.

"Jimin, now can you tell me about the clubs please?" I pleaded him.
But before Jimin could answer Ji-yu asked "Clubs? What Clubs?"

"Actually I have to join atleast one club before the weekend ends, but I feel like all clubs are already full.. Also Jimin is not telling me about any clubs" I replied her while sulking at Jimin.

"Y/n can help you" She chuckled and replied.
"Y/n? H-how?" I hesitated but still asked her.
"You don't know? She herself is the president of two clubs, she can definitely give you a place in one of her clubs" She casually said.


Without giving a reply to anyone of them I ran towards her class. I hope she haven't left yet.

I ran as fast as I could, and stopped in front of her class. I bend down and held my knees with my hands and panted.

Just then I heard few foot steps coming closer and closer towards me and within a minute I saw two feets right in front of my eyes.

I slowly straightened myself. And there she is, Y/n.
She was looking at me in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me with coldness in her voice.

"I-i need to ask you something" I stuttered.
"Ask what?" She titled her head.
"A favour" I completed.
She looked at me in confusion and said "I don't know if I may be able to help you or not but...Ask"

I took and deep breathe and said.

"Can I join one of your Clubs Noona"

Hearing my words she looked a bit taken back, not that i wanted to join her club but that i called her Noona out of nowhere.
My cheeks were burning I was trying my best to not let her see, I don't know myself from where did I got that courage.

But at this moment all I'm nervous about is that would she let me join her club or not, did me calling her Noona triggered her somehow? I gulped slowly while waiting for her reply.

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