CHAPTER 7 | Buy You

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I Loved You
With A Love,
That Was More
Than Love...

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It's been more than two weeks since I'm a part of the photography club,
We even got our first club assignment and i actually scored pretty good.

Right now it was time to eat something, I'm hungry. Jimin and Ji-yu have already left for the cafeteria, they told me i will find them on one of a particular bench along with Y/n and Jungkook in the cafeteria.

As I entered the cafeteria it didn't took me long to spot them out. They were sitting at a corner, all of them while chit chatting.

As I reached them they turned their attention towards me.
"You came, come sit" Jimin said while patting on a seat beside him.
I took the seat and sat there as I could see they have already bought food for us.

"Listen Guys! It's my birthday tomorrow and all you four have to come, no matter what. I won't take no as an answer" Jungkook said while catching our attention.

"Umm.. Me-e too?" I asked again trying to make sure that he did mentioned about me joining his birthday party.

"Of course. I know you are new to all these stuffs here, but as you are here with us now you definitely have to come" Jungkook said while munching his food.

"Bu-ut I guess I won't be able to join" I said slowly to Jungkook.
"And why is that?" He asked raising his left brow.
"I-i ummm... I won't fit. Everything in your party will be so grand... I just don't want to be an embarrassment to you there. Also i-i don't even have any clothes which will fit your party standards" I slowly let out while looking down at my food plate.

"Bro you're thinking too much" Jungkook chuckled.
"Yeah Taehyung there will be nothing like that" Jimin added.
"You both don't understand i-i don't like when people stare at me like that" I murmured.

"He'll come Jungkook don't worry. I'll make sure of it" All of a sudden Y/n said to Jungkook while looking in my eyes deeply,a shiver ran down my spine hearing her words.
"Okay, I believe in your words" Jungkook chuckled again while Jimin and Ji-yu just smiled slowly.

I looked at her still trying to figure out her words. She was definitely indicating that to me... So, What does she mean by that?

Before we could talk further Y/n stood up from her seat as we heard the bell sound indicating that the recess has been over. We all stood up too heading our ways for our next lectures.

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