May 22

7 0 0

Mary loves Annabeth and Percy so much, she's always asking if they can come over or if they can spend the night or if she can FaceTime percy.

I hate having to ground them but I honestly don't know what else to do. They never respond well. I do my best to enforce it but it's hard when you're outnumbered by teenagers that don't respect me at all. They never listen. They only care about themselves. Someone can explain a situation to them and how it affects other people but they genuinely do not give a single shit. I grounded him for two weeks. Him and Frankie both. Grounded from their partners. Grounded from sweatshirts. Grounded. They were drunk and high and gods know what else. I said we can talk about it tomorrow. I'm too angry to talk about it now. It's just too much.

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