Nathalies Secret Mission X - Los fantomes

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Gabriel Agrest paced up and down, slowly feeling queasy. Nathalie was supposed to be back tonight, but...still no news. Had something happened? He hoped Nathalie was all right, he should have sent her off on her own. He wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to her. Not once again would he gamble at such a high cost. He had already lost Emilie, now he couldn't lose Nathalie too. Determined, he dialed her numbers, but her phone was not reachable. That didn't suit his assistant, her cell phone was never empty. Gabriel was beginning to worry. 

But how could he help her? Maybe he could track Nathalie down, but would he have enough power to find someone in Athens? From Paris? How would that work? 

Gabriel looked thoughtfully out of the window. He could... yes, exactly! That would certainly work! He would simply use the cock Miraculous to give himself the power to know where Nathalie was. 

"That must work!" he muttered and slipped the Miraculous onto his finger. But suddenly he stopped. Gabriel sensed something, no, or rather, someone. A person who had come into his house. And it wasn't Nathalie or his was someone else...and that someone was now standing in his office.


Nathalie lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. Only a little light filtered through the window, as the expensive curtains protected her from prying eyes. A knock sounded, and suddenly the door opened and Gabriel Agrest entered. In his right hand, he held what felt like a cup of tea. "Good evening, I apologize for only coming in now... I had a lot to do," Gabriel apologized and smiled wryly. 

Nathalie returned the smile and took the cup from him. She sipped the hot drink carefully. "Everything's fine, sir, you're here now," she replied. Gabriel looked at his assistant, her dark hair, her eyes. "I have something for you," Gabriel Agrest said, then he pulled something out from behind his back. It was a thick, beautiful book. 

"Since you have a lot of time on your hands now, I thought...maybe you could use a book. Especially since you like reading books," Gabriel explained. Nathalie blushed slightly, immediately reaching for the book and looking at it with delight. 

"Thank you...sir," she replied and had to giggle. She would put this book in a special place and read it over and over again.

Nathalie slowly opened her eyes again and the first thing she saw was darkness. A few seconds passed and then she finally realized that the two women had been locked in something. Was it a room? No, it was... Now Nathalie also noticed the humming in the background, the room was shaking a little. It wasn't a room, it was a truck. The two of them had been locked in a truck.

 "Shit," Nathalie cursed and tried to stand up, but her legs were still like jelly. She looked around a little panicked, was Ann all right? The researcher was lying unconscious, leaning against the wall. Her chest was rising and falling, which calmed the assistant down a little. Her hands had been tied behind her back with simple cable ties. 'How naïve,' Nathalie thought, and she struck her hands against the exoskeleton with a well-aimed blow. She felt pain for a moment, then the cable tie broke and her hands were free again. She quickly shook them so that the blood reached her fingers. 

"Ann, Ann!" she hissed softly and shook the researcher. She woke up with a contorted face. "What-what... Nathalie?" Puzzled and not quite sure where they were, she looked Nathalie in the face. "Come on, I'll help you," Nathalie replied and freed Ann from the restraints. Now she could feel her legs a little better. "Where...where are these people taking us?" whispered Ann, carefully approaching the doors.

 "I don't know, but les Fantomes are up to no good," Nathalie replied, rummaging in her pockets. She was relieved to find the hair clip; they hadn't taken the Miraculous from her. "Here," said Nathalie and handed Ann the spider's artificial Miraculous. "Oh, now all at once," the researcher teased her, but she wasted no time and put the hair clip in her brown and wispy hair. The Kwami appeared again. 

"Zero, transform me!" she shouted and with a bright glow she became Arachide.

"Let's get out of here!" and with those words, her robot spider legs stabbed into the metal and ripped the doors apart. Nathalie held on to the side to keep from flying out of the truck. The torn doors skidded around on the highway, cars honked and swerved in panic. "What do we do now?" Nathalie wanted to know, at that speed they would both be killed. 

"HEY! THE TWO OF THEM ARE FLYING!" the driver could be heard yelling. "Hold on to me," Ann urged Nathalie, who responded immediately. Together they jumped from car to car, when suddenly two arrows whizzed past them. "Watch out!" she warned Arachide, who dodged the projectiles, but this forced her onto the road and sent her hurtling back and forth. The cars honked, swerved, some stopped, until one car failed to slow down, hit another and then both rolled over. Nathalie gasped in shock, but Arachide ducked away as the car hit the truck. Debris flew through the air and there was now complete chaos on the road. Smoke and fire rose into the air as the Count of the Abyss stepped out of the fire and aimed a crossbow at the two of them. 

"Surrender, in the name of the Fantomes," he shouted. But suddenly something lit up behind Nathalie and a portal opened. She immediately understood, took Arachide's hand and stumbled inside.

The count looked at the chaos and the two missing women. "We will meet again"

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