The Miraculous Requiem 1

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"I see you have lost yet another time, Count of the Abyss," said a cold, clear voice that echoed through the landscape. A young girl with long, blonde hair looked at the man in the shimmering cloak. 

"Your Highness I...I had to change the plan, I had to disappear because otherwise, I would attract attention," the count tried to explain himself. The girl smiled coldly. "It's time we put an end to magic. We have to destroy all the Miraculous. And we'll start with the so-called Mother Casket," the blonde girl explained her plans. The Count of the Abyss nodded. He stepped back, bowed, and left. "We are the Abyss-The Abyss will win," he added before disappearing. 

The girl watched after him for a while before she began to explore the meadow. She walked across the huge flower meadow, bursting with blooming dandelions. As the girl grazed the flowers, some seeds came loose and went through the air. "I remember. That very day," she murmured. It was as if it had been yesterday. 

Her blonde strands blew in the wind. 

Her beautiful blue eyes shone in the bright sunlight. 

"The day I was created, the Hütter made a big mistake. And for that very mistake," she said, her voice trembling a little. " will all pay," she finished her sentence and stopped. 

She looked into the distance and could see a large mountain range on the horizon. In front of her, lay the Tibet Mountains, and somewhere in the snow, well-hidden between the peaks of the mountains, lay the Temple of the Guardians. And where it had all begun was exactly where it would all end. 

"The Miraculous Requiem," the girl whispered and smiled. "Will come true," and with these last words she turned around and disappeared behind the hills.


Lila walked through the corridors of the school and entered the girls' bathroom when she suddenly bumped into Cloé. 

"Ah, it's you. What was your name again? Lilja, Lillie?" Cloé grumbled at Lila. She smiled nonetheless. "Lila. But thanks for all the cute nicknames," Lila giggled mockingly. "Do you remember our deal?" the girl with the chestnut hair asked. Cloé seemed like she really did remember it. 

"So, what about it?" Cloé wanted to know. She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "We should include... ideas for Alya and Nino in our fabulous plans," said Lila, grinning mischievously. Cloé looked at the girl in front of her. "

Annoying Du-Pan-Cheng is enough for me, I don't have time for anything else," Cloé replied and left. "You can always change your mind," Lila hissed after her, causing Cloé to pause for a tiny fraction of a second. When Cloé was gone, Lila sighed loudly. 

"Just wait and see Rena Rouge and Carapace - I'll make your life hell. Ultimoth will be pleased..."

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