Queen Bees Choice 12 - The Mistake

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"Don't think negatively, try not to let the Akumas attack you. Stay calm!", shouted Ladybug as loudly as she could. If she didn't do anything now, the risk of someone being akumatized was too high. But... she needed the yo-yo for that... and to do that she had to let go of Arachide. Wasn't there another way? 

"You can't get out of this situation without losing something. Either Arachide... or Queen Bee!", shouted Ultimoth, laughing. "Orikko, Nuuro, Kaalki, unite!", shouted the man, and now he would summon even more Akumas. Ladybug and Cat Noir were running out of time. They had less than five minutes. 

"Ladybug...", gasped Queen Bee. She had to decide! Finally, she let go of Arachide and opened her yo-yo so she could collect all the Akumas. When only one butterfly was left, she shouted as always: "You won't have to be angry anymore soon," and then she had caught all the Akumas. But at that very moment, Arachide freed herself and ran to Ultimoth. 

"Bye, you losers!" she shouted. Ultimoth gave Ladybug one last grim look, then opened a portal. "You won't get away from me that easily!" Queen Bee suddenly shouted, then they activated their poison. A blink of an eye later, as Ultimoth disappeared through the portal and Arachide was just about to do so, she jumped on the woman and used her power to strike the spider's Miraculous. Screaming and flashing yellow lightning, Arachide stumbled and disappeared into the portal. A few seconds later, the portal closed. 

"What... what happened?" Cat Noir wondered. "It looks like Cloé damaged the Miraculous," Ladybug murmured. But they didn't have time to talk about it any further, because their Miraculous beeped again. "Well done," Cat Noir and Ladybug said solemnly and did their fist bumps. They had gotten another Miraculous back. "Come here Cloé, we couldn't have done it without you," she admitted. Queen Bee smiled sadly and also pleased that Ladybug praised her and also agreed.


The class had gathered again after Ladybug had repaired everything with her Miraculous Ladybug, and Cloé had joined Sabrina, who hugged her with relief. Alya had come to Marinette and they were quietly happy. "Well done," she whispered to her best friend. Only Lila still seemed angry. She went to Cloé and stared at her. "Can I help you?" she asked innocently. 

"You... nasty... mean... BRAT!" Lila called and wanted to grab her by the shoulders when Alya came over. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," she said warningly. "What... why?" Lila wondered sharply. "Because now we all know how wrong you are," said Adrien, behind him Nino and Marinette with their arms crossed. But the whole class also stood there. "What...what...I don't understand...I didn't do anything...that...that was all Cloé! IT WAS CLOÈ!" she screamed. 

Tears welled up in her eyes. 

Alya shook her head. 

Then she held up her cell phone and showed a video. You could see Lila attacking Cloé and Sabrina and Ultimoth helping. "What-that...that...is all fake!" she shouted, but no one believed her anymore. Marinette stepped forward. "That's enough, Lila. We all know now that you're lying. You always lie," she added firmly. Cloé smiled coldly. Finally, these lies had come to an end. "But...but..." Lila gasped, tears running down her cheeks. Madam Mandeleva had had enough. "You're going back to Paris. Immediately," and that was it for Lila. Relieved, Alya hugged Marinette. 

"Finally, she's gone. Finally"


Ann fell to the ground as she transformed back in pain. Nathalie immediately rushed to the researcher and helped her up. "Ann... what happened... are you OK?" she looked at the woman worriedly. She gasped and wiped the tears and sweat from her forehead. She carefully took the Miraculous off and looked at it. 

"It... it... is very badly... damaged," she gasped. Nathalie gasped in shock. That could put Ann's life in danger! "Your plan has failed... we've lost another Miraculous!" Gabriel angrily slammed his fist on the table. "Now stop it, Gabriel! Ann is not well. Her Miraculous-" but the man cut her off. "She is useless. Without Miraculous, even more so! I don't want to see her anymore, she should go to her room!" and with these words Gabriel disappeared into the office. 

Nathalie helped Ann into the room and put her to bed. "Don't worry, I'll look at the Miraculous. We'll repair the Miraculous," Ann reassured her. She smiled warmly at Nathalie. "Thank you," she turned around tiredly and closed her eyes. Nathalie left the room and sighed. Then she looked at the Miraculous and let it fall to the floor. She stepped on it several times and crushed it. Then she picked it up again and put it away. 

"I'm sorry Ann, but I will not put another person in danger," she whispered softly. Her mind was made up. Gabriel was going too far, he would put himself and everyone else in great danger. She took out the letter and hesitated. But she really had no other choice. 

She would give the letter to Alya Cessair.

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