The Fox Miraculous VII

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Ladybug managed to hide in the sewers with Cat Noir at the last second. Now they were standing, as they often did, on the partition of the sewers, the wall between them. "Mi lady, are you all right?" Cat Noir asked charmingly, but also worriedly. "Yes, Mitzekätzchen, everything's fine. But that was very close. Thank goodness Alya was still with us," she replied. "Without her... as..." Ladybug paused. "Mi lady?" Chat asked anxiously. "It's time I told you the truth. From now on, there are no secrets between us," she added. "But Mi Lady! Won't that put us in danger?" Cat Noir objected. Ladybug was silent for a moment. "Ultimoth is already several steps ahead of us. If we want to win, we both need to know what we're fighting and who's on our side," she said. "That's why... Alya is Rena Rouge... that's why she helped us. And also, you should know who the other heroes are. For example, Carapce is..." Ladybug was about to say when Cat Noir interrupted her. "Nino. I know that and I also knew that Alya is Rena," Chat confessed. Ladybug paused, she actually wanted to be angry, to shout at him, but actually... he had the right to know. "Nino told me...but are...are you angry Ladybug?" Chat wanted to know. "No. You have the right to know. I'll explain the other identities later, right now we need to fortify ourselves," said Ladybug. Marinette took a macaroon out of her bag and Tikki ate it thoroughly. "Here, Plagg," he said to his Kwami and threw him the stinking cheese. "That sounds good, let's get started," muttered Plagg with his mouth full. "Ready?" asked Ladybug. "Ready," replied Cat Noir.


Alya was lying weakly on the ground, Volpina was about to crash into her with her flute and knock her unconscious! Or even kill her right away! After all, Volpina knew her old secret identity. "Thanks for your help," Volpina laughed, lunging, but at the last moment something blocked the blow. "Not today, darling," said Cat Noir and knocked the flute away with her staff. Volpina jumped back and gasped. "Give me the Miraculous, Lila!" shouted Ladybug and came running over. "No way! And don't call me Lila, I'm Volpina!" she shouted angrily. She stood ready to fight. Ladybug nodded to Cat Noir; she had a plan. "Then I guess we'll get it!" Chat shouted and ran towards Volpina with his staff. The two of them engaged in a fierce "sword fight". Cat Noir thrust towards her stomach, but the fox bearer parried, knocked the staff away, and tried to kick it, but Cat Noir dodged, jumped over it, and hit her on the head with the staff. Volpina managed to block the blow at the last second, but Ladybug came and threw herself against the nearest house wall with the yoyo. Volpina scrambled to her feet just in time to escape Ladybug's yoyo. However, Cat Noir appeared in front of her and tripped her, causing Lila to fall. Cat Noir held the stick to her chin. "Tie her up now, MI Lady!" shouted Cat Noir. Ladybug reached out and threw her yoyo, but at the same moment, Volpina grabbed the flute and threw it like a spear, right into Alya's face. "NOOOOOOO," Ladybug shouted. But then it happened. Alya jumped up and dodged the flute. On the move, she grabbed the flute and ran towards Volpina. She tried to defend herself but was tied up and Alya took advantage of this opportunity and took a swing.

Seconds passed and Alya dropped the flute, instead grabbing the chain and ripping it from her neck. "NO! My Miraculous!" Lila screamed before falling to the ground.

"Now I'm Rena Rouge again," said Alya and transformed into the fox heroine. Lila fell to the ground, shrieking and crying. "You've lost," Ladybug said and let go of her. "Whether you akumatized or have a Miraculous, it doesn't make you any better. You should stop always doing favors for Hawkmoth," Ladybug said. She tried to help Lila up, but she slapped her hands away. "Believe me, this is just the beginning," she said icily and disappeared into the next side street, crying. 

"Thank you, Alya, for your help," Ladybug said and patted Rena proudly on the shoulder. She nodded gratefully. She wanted to take off the necklace, but Ladybug stopped her. "No, keep that Miraculous. I've learned that too much power in one place can be harmful," she said. Cat Noir also nodded. "That way we, and you too, can intervene whenever necessary," he added. "Thank you," Alya whispered and hugged them both. 

But suddenly a person appeared behind them. Ladybug thought it was Ultimoth, but that was not the case. It was a man in a glittering coat and sunglasses, a brooch gleaming in the sunlight.

 "Hand over your Miraculous at once!" the man shouted eerily. "Who are you? And why should we hand over the Miraculous to you?" shouted Ladybug, swinging her yoyo in circles. 

"WE ARE THE ABYSS; WE ARE THE END-USQUE SUMUS. FINUS SUMUS," the man replied in a loud voice. Ladybug swung up and tried to tie the man up, but he suddenly pulled out a glowing sword and cut her weapon. Ladybug landed on the ground only to see Cat Noir engage the man in a sword fight, but when Rena Rouge tried to surprise him from behind, the stranger turned around and shot her with an anvil. The arrow kicked Rena, who vanished into thin air the next moment. 

"An illusion," he whispered darkly. Then he whirled around and slammed the anvil into Cat Noir's stomach and the sword whizzed towards the real Rena Rouge at her side. The next moment Cat Noir wanted to use Cataclism, but the stranger realized he had no chance and disappeared. Only dark particles floated in the air. "What the hell was that?" Ren Rouge asked himself. 

"Whatever it was, we should be more careful"


Nathalie and Ann had seen everything that had just happened live on camera. A small, robotic butterfly had been chasing Ladybug and everyone else. Unfortunately, it had then lost sight of Ladybug and Cat Noir. The butterfly with artificial intelligence came fluttering back and told them the latest data. 

"We lost a Miraculous to Ladybug, that can't happen again!" Gabriel Agrest shouted angrily. Nathalie stood up and put her hand on his shoulder. "Gabriel, don't worry, it's all part of our plan B. Let Ladybug think they have a better chance now. But maybe she has won this fight. But we'll make the decisive point," she said and smiled. Gabriel smiled too. She was right. This was just the beginning. Ladybug had no idea what kind of chaos, trauma, and destiny awaited her. 

"Ladybug, soon it will be time. And then you'll give me your Miraculous yourself! HAHAHAHAH! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


It was the next day when Alya packed her bag and wanted to leave the room. The doorbell had just rung. "I'll go ahead, okay? I need to talk to Zoé about something, okay? We'll wait downstairs with Nino," said Marinette and hurried off. Alya shook her head, slightly amused. She happily took hold of the chain hanging around her neck. 

Her Miraculous, it was hers now. "You should be careful not to cross my path again," a voice suddenly said. It was Lila. "What do you want, you super liar?", Alya tried to push her off. She walked past the girl, who was grinning like an idiot and was about to leave when she added something else. "Be careful, don't let everyone find out your secret. Don't end up like Cloé," she hissed.

Alya froze in mid-motion. "Let's see if they still believe you after everyone finds out you're helping Hawkmoth," was the only thing Alya said and left, even though she was quite unsure and scared inside. Lila growled. "Just you wait and see. I will not only make life hell for you Marinette, but also for Alya and everyone else. I swear it," she hissed and left...

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