Requiem for the Miraculous 9

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Ladybug looked at the other six Guardians of the Miraculous Caskets. One was a dark-skinned man, with a white beard and white silky hair. He seemed slightly native to Northern America to Marinette, which could mean that this was the Guardian from North America. Ladybug remembered the girl from New York who carried Napoleon's lost Miraculous. Sitting next to the man was an older woman with long, blonde hair that was braided into two long braids. She wore a colorful, bright robe that reminded Ladybug of the festivals in Rio de Janero. This woman was probably the guardian from South America. Next to Su Han sat an older, smaller man in thick winter fur and gloves. He was the only one who was dressed warmly, which is why Ladybug guessed that he was the Guardian from Antarctica. 

There were three more people sitting on the other side. A woman aged 50 to 60, wearing a Chinese coat, or whatever you called it, her straight, silky black hair tied in a tight bun. Her sharp gaze swept over the group. No doubt that the guardian was from Asia. An older, very stocky woman sat next to her, her white, curly hair covering her face, covering her large scar. A chain with teeth hung around her neck. She was probably the guardian from Africa. A slightly younger, slim man with oversized white sheets sat at the end, wearing an art coat decorated with lots of bright colors and flowers. Australia, Ladybug thought. All of these Guardians were now looking at her, all of them older and more experienced than her. Ladybug swallowed loudly. 

"Guardians from the six continents, I introduce you to the new Guardian of Europe: Ladybug," Su Han explained, nodding at her. Everyone immediately became curious. "Why is she wearing a Miraculous! That's against the rules! It's far too dangerous!" shouted the Guardian from Africa. "She should show us the true identity!", added the Guardian from America. "And what is the cat doing there?" the guardian from Asia wanted to know and pointed to Cat Noir. "He's my partner and he's supposed to be here," Ladybug replied uncertainly. "As for my secret identity, Su Han knows it and that she knows enough. Ultimoth only has more of a chance if everyone knows my identity," Ladybug asserted. "She's wearing a Miraculous!" the Guardian from Africa called out again. "And then one of the powerful!" she added. "Believe me, I never wanted to be the Guardian! Master Fu gave me this position!" Ladybug replied and looked down. "Little chicken legs?" all six of them exclaimed. 

"He also wore a Miraculous. He did a lot of things differently. Still, he wasn't a bad master. Everyone makes mistakes now," grumbled Cat Noir. "Shut up," the North American Guardian barked at him.

"Speaking of mistakes, just because of you, Ladybug, Hawkmoth now has almost all of the Miraculous! YOU should have given the box back! And not given it to OTHER unqualified people," she reprimanded the Asian Guardian. Ladybug collapsed again. Not that again. She had feared it. She was a bad Guardian, she was just bad. 

"Hey! Stop it right now! Ladybug made mistakes, but all of you, how can you blame a young girl who has no apprenticeship, no training, no real master and has been given such a big task without wanting it? How can compare Ladybug with yourself? Would you have been able to fight Hawkmoth for so long at that age? Would you have the strength to lie to your family, your friends, your partners every day? Do you think it's easy for her? She has to do everything to sort out her problems, heartbreaks, worries and school problems, even though she always puts her duty as a guardian and hero above her. There wasn't a day when she said she didn't feel like it! Despite great losses like Master Fu, she has "Best friend as a heroine and now also the Miraculous Box, moved on! How dare you talk about her like that?" Cat Noir shouted angrily. He stood behind his lady and crossed his arms. 

"And you, Su Han? Have you ever helped us, or Ladybug? Have you taught her anything? No! The only thing you do is complain! Put down, humiliate! Do you think that makes us stronger? Please experience all that "We had to experience because of Hawkmoth, we're only teenagers," he added and hugged his lady. She thanked him quietly. The Guardians stared at the ground. 

"He's absolutely right," said the Guardian from South America, who hadn't said anything yet. "We're putting down a young girl, we the big guardians! We can't solve the problem like that," she said calmly and clearly. "Let's find a solution. And you Su Han...can take care of Ladybug's training later," the Guardian from Australia agreed. "Good. Then-" but before Su Han could say anything else, there was a violent tremor and a huge crash. "What-what was that?!" Ladybug shouted in shock. 

"I don't know, everyone stay seated, I'll protect us!" Su Han shouted and jumped onto the table. He swung his staff around and suddenly a green dome appeared around those sitting. But apart from a little dust and a few holm oaks falling from the ceiling, nothing happened. "Whatever that was, we should go check it out," Cat Noir suggested. The nine got up and opened the door; countless monks and guardians were already running around outside. "What's going on here!?" the Guardian from Africa called out, but she got no answer. 

"Stay here, Ladybug, Cat Noir and I will take a look," said Su Han and rushed down. "Good luck," whispered the Guardian from South America and so Ladybug and Cat Noir followed the Grand Guardian outside.

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