Requiem for the Miraculous 8

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Ladybug and Cat Noir entered the temple through the huge double doors and were immediately warmed by the warm, burning torches; the large entrance hall protected them from the heavy, cold snowstorm. The windows had been covered with dark red curtains, a large red carpet lay in the middle of the large hall, plants stood in the corners, giving the room a green touch. Paintings and bookshelves adorned the walls, a monk, perhaps also a guardian, poured hot water into old cups and sorted blankets. When he saw Su Han and the two others, he bowed and handed them the blankets and cups of hot water. 

"Greetings, Grand Keeper Su Han, greetings Ladybug, Keeper of the Mother Shadow and her partner Cat Noir," the monk greeted them. "Thank you," Ladybug and Cat Noir replied curtly, Su Han just nodded gratefully. "We are expected in the Hall of Guardians. The Council is waiting for us," the monk asked them. "The Council?" Cat Noir wondered. Su Han sighed again. 

"The Council of Guardians consists of the Grand Guardians of the respective caskets. One guardian per continent. And since "Hünerbeinchen"...I mean Fu has given up his position to you, Ladybug, you have to go to the meeting. Especially...after the," Su Han explained. Ladybug took a step back, her hands began to tremble again, her pupils contracted. Breathing became difficult, she dropped to her knees and gasped.

 "No.Please.Don't.Again," she gasped, her voice sounding weak and uncertain, no, she sounded frightened. The deep, unrhythmic breaths interrupted her words. Images flashed of Felix...of her giving Felix the dog Miraculous. Felix. The Miraculous. His smile. How she stood in the room with Adrien. And then...and then...the ball. Felix. He had given all the Miraculous to Hawkmoth. 

"No...please don't," she begged Su Han, who looked at her in dismay. Cat Noir knelt down to his lady and hugged her. "Listen, it's going to be okay, MiLady. I'm with you," he said warmly and put his hand on her shoulder. Ladybug slowly calmed down and her breathing returned to normal. "Come on," was the only thing Su Han said. Ladybug stood up and straightened her shoulders. She gave Cat Noir a grateful smile. The two heroes from Paris followed the Grand Keeper into the round hall. It had a huge, round table in the middle, made of solid, dark wood. On the table was a map with several glowing dots. On the walls were pictures of guardians and former guardians. One particularly large picture, in a golden frame, probably showed the first Grand Keeper of the temple. Six other people were already sitting at the table. Ladybug guessed that these were the other guardians of the Miraculous caskets. Su Han greeted everyone curtly, then sat down at the head. Ladybug sat down opposite, three guardians on each side. Cat Noir had to sit on a chair in the corner, he was not allowed to take part, unfortunately. The monk closed the doors. 

"Guardians of all Miraculous caskets. I welcome you to the meeting!" Su Han shouted loudly. "Let us begin"


Her long blonde hair blew in the deafening wind, her eyes fixed on a target in front of her. She wore a white robe with mysterious symbols on it. She was actually far too lightly clad, but she wasn't freezing. A few snowflakes settled on her open hand, melting almost at the same second. "Princess. It's all done. We are ready," a voice suddenly spoke. The blonde girl turned around and the Count of the Abyss stood before her. His cloak glowed in the darkness of the storm. Several other agents stood behind him and had bowed. Despite the blizzard, they all wore sunglasses. 

"Very good. Then let's put an end to this once and for all," the girl shouted, raising her left hand and pointing her sword upwards. "Yes, Princess!" the subjects shouted and split up. The count straightened his shoulder and stepped closer. "Are you sure it's not too dangerous? That... that..." he didn't dare to bring it to his lips. The very thought, no, he shook his head. "If I have to, I'll accept my fate. There's no way back anyway," replied the princess, steely and firm. Determined, she looked the count in the eye. "Are you with me, Count?" she asked him. "To the end," he said and smiled.


Cloé took one last breath, then rang Sabrina's doorbell. Would Sabrina even open the door? Did she still want to see Cloé? She had always been so mean. She had used Sabrina like a slave...that was so wrong of her. Finally someone opened the door. It was the cop, or rather, Sabrina's father. "Cloé? What are you doing here?" he wondered in amazement. "Can to Sabrina?" she wanted to know and peeked through behind her father. The father seemed suspicious at first, but eventually he nodded. "But not for long, she's...not feeling too well somehow," her father said. So Cloé entered and hoped that Sabrina would listen to her.


Zoé Lee, Cloé's sister, had just sat down on the sofa, having finally finished her homework, when she noticed that her sister was no longer there. "Cloé?" she called out to be on the safe side, but no one answered her. Shrugging her shoulders, she grabbed the remote control and switched on the TV. There was nothing on but the latest gossip and countless news items, but only one thing made Zoé wonder. There hadn't been a single Akuma alarm or anything similar since last night. Ladybug and Cat Noir hadn't turned up either. Perhaps the heroes had something else to do? Zoé was torn from her thoughts when there was a sudden knock on her door. 

"Come in Jean," she called out, but apparently it wasn't the servant. It probably wasn't Cloé. Sighing, she got up and dragged herself to the door. "Hey, I thought I'd drop by," said a familiar voice. It was Lila Rossi, from the parallel class.

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