Part 1

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A 12 years old boy fighting with a 14 years old boy inside the school no one dare to involve in between them because they are both very powerful and popular one of them younger prince and other is zamindar's son their fight is stopped by their school principal

Principal: Park Bogum and Prince Jeon Jungkook why you both fighting like snake and mongoose care to explain.?

Bogum: He is the one who punches me first

Jk: But he is the one who teases me first

Principal: And what he said

Jk: He was telling me that no one should marry me because I can't give next heir as a strong boy my wife has to take his help to give birth to a son thats why I punch him first how dare he disrespected my future wife their younger princes wife ( with so much anger)

Principal: Bogum did you said these things.?

Principal asked Bogum Who nodded proudly

Bogum: yess i said thik he can only give his wife a girl and our citizens don't need girls as a royal heir

Principal: shame on you how does your family teach you? Don't dare to disrespect girls ever again have you forgotten your mother also a woman and you have a sister change your mentality and say sorry to younger prince

Bogum: ( greet his teeth) sorry yOunger pRiNce ( mocked tone)

Jk: Youuu

Principal: jungkook..! Don't fight like this ever again it's last warning or I have to call your parents now you both get out

Time skip...

After school jk and his best friends hobi, with other friends, everyone ran forward and stood in front of a  primary school they both hid behind some tree and waited for a beautiful man it's their daily routine...

Everyone is looking here and there tries to find their younger prince crush who comes out last of all students

Hobi: prince look here is he

Jk: woww so beautiful let's follow him

It's common for them everyday after Tae left the school he walked to his mother's flower shop Jk and his friends also followed him behind but from a distance so that he doesn't understand when the boy goes to his mother's shop jk admired him for a while and after that he went to his house because his house also same way

Jk only saw him everyday but don't know his name his parents name house age which class he read

One day Jk and his friends was returning home from school a friend of his stumbled and fell in front of that primary school and got injured jk and his friends were helping that injured friend but they don't have any water with them to wash the injured place that time suddenly a beautiful boy came in front of them and gave his water bottle and  when they say thank you to him he said thank you with a boxy smile

After hearing and seeing him and his smile younger prince got crush on him after that day jk always wait for the boy in front of the primary school....


To be continue....

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