Part 21

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Author pov

One month leater

Today is Taekook's marriage where every villager is invited to a total palace decorated with flowers

Everyone running here and there why not because today their young prince going to bring his wife

In this one month no one dare to mess with Kim family king punished the school teacher Jasmine was little bit upset but Tae and Kook make her agree with this marriage now she also happy

Jin and jimin make kook understand about the adult things a little just a little and that no matter what don't make Tae pregnant before he reach 16

Now both Jk and Tae both are very excited because they are going to marry after today no one will separate them after today they can live together 24h

Time skip...

Jk was eagerly waiting for his soon to be wife looking handsome as always his eyes never leave the entrence form where his bride will be come with his father he was praying god so that he send his wife soon to him

Finally god listen his pray and send his soon to be wife to him because the door open and he can see his angel coming with his father

Mr Kim places Tae's hand to jk

Mr kim: please take care of him prince he is my only precious son

Jk: gladly Uncle till my last breath he also my precious wifey

Jk's statement make Tae blush and others laugh for this wipped bunny

Jk and Tae took vows and seal their unbreakable bond with lip kiss with so much shyness and their elders bless them

Time skip

It was night time and everyone was very tired because of the ceremony especially Tae and kook

Many of the retual Taehyung had to do it alone but kook was with him all the time he didn't left Tae alone not for one second

Jungkook's side relatives tease them very much

Night time

Everyone teases Tae and kook for the first night but our innocent Tae feels shy and totally blushy  blushy but he doesn't understand anything properly what they are talking about but Kook knows many of them

Everyone sent them towards Kook's room the room was decorated with red rose petals and candles  so beautifully

But both don't know what thay have to do  but kook know they have to somthing adults things be he can't because his hyung told him not make Tae pregnant before his 16 year's old and his one mistakes can haram their future so he didn't try many things ,only kiss


To be continue.........

Please ignore my grammar mistakes...

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