Part 12

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Author pov

Tae and kook got engaged in front of every villages many parents were jealous of Tae because he got chance to be younger prince's wife but not their child

After the engagement day Jk was more clingy with Tae, he don't want go anywhere without Tae not even school but everyday everyone specialy Tae forcefully send him school but after school again Jk clings with Tae like a glue

All day Tae stay with jeons but after evening he go with his parents but every evening Jk whine he don't want Tae left him Tae also don't want to left him and Jeons, Jeons love Tae very much the adore him

Like that one and half years passed away Jimin and suga got married Jin is 7 month pregnant

Jk saw Jimin and Yoongi kiss each other's lips a more like eat each other's lips he also saw Jin and joon kissing like thats also their one maid couple who secretly in a relationship he also saw them many times they both are one or two years older than him, he heard the girl moaning when they are kissing that make him also try and he make his mind but his mother said no to lip kiss but he is a stubborn bunny

After seeing his brother he also wants to marry very soon but his parents said it's not the perfect age for his marriage they both are very younger for marriage

Some of his friends are going to marry soon that makes him whine he tried many times kiss Tae on his lips but don't got his courge

But one day he got courge so he secretly pulled Tae towards his room and closed the door and held his waist

Tae: what happened koo (Cute puppy eyes )

Jk: Tae Tae I want something ( shy smile)

Tae: then tell me

Jk: kissi but not in my cheek but  lip

Tae: haaa koo you know na mother told us not to kiss on lips ( red cheek) and my class met say if we kiss pn lips then then I will get pregnant then my tummy will be big big abd then our baby will come like jin hyung

Jk: what no no it's not true maybe but my seniour say there are have other process for baby after lips kiss for got it let's try first

Tae: what if Mother scolds us .?

Jk: don't tell her or anyone it's secret only we will know Only okh?

Tae thought for some moments and looked at jk's face who looked at him with excited eyes and Tae nodded a little and jk Immideatly display his whole bunny tooth

Jk cup Tae's cheek with both hands and Tae close his eyes jk leaning slightly towards Tae's lip he always curious about it how his lips would feel on Taehyung's so without wasting time he placed his lips on Tae's

Both close their eyes feel each other's lips they don't know how to kiss properly they just press their lips together for some moments and left each other lips but it's feel different for them it's new for them their childish mind want it again...

So jk again press his lips on Tae's after lest the kiss both blush a little but jk little think something

Jk: Taeee it's not like they do when I see them they eat each other's faces I want to try this but I don't know how

Tae: ok then let's ask someone

Jk: whome.?

Tae: Jimin hyung.?

Jk: noo way ummm I know whome to ask.. ( smirk)

Tae: but koo what if I get pregnant then.?

Ask jk with puppy eyes his one hand go to on his tummy and jk humm and think something

Jk: Tae tae don't worry if you get pregnant then we will get little baby with us we can play with the little baby and i will protect you and our baby  with my life

Jk said proudly and Tae shyly smile and hugged jk and hide his face on jk's chest


To be continue....

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