Part 27

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Author pov

Time skip 5 year leater....

It's been 5 years since kook left abroad this year he didn't contact Tae or his parents nor did Tae try to contact him

Kook only keep his contact with his brothers but he told his brothers if they told him about Tae or their parents tgen he will not talk to them also

That time there wasn't any phone available in village so he send letters  he didn't came Korea not for once

Here Jimin give birth twins a boy and a girl

Here in jeon kingdom a lot has changed let's see first let's see what is happening in palace

Here in jeon kingdom a lot has changed let's see first let's see what is happening in palace

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(Jeon Taehyung the younger prince's wife younger queen)

Here is an 18 year old boy looking like an angel but his aura said other things he is looking powerful, strong, cold his eyes totally emotionless sitting on a throne besides King and queen's empty throne he is none other than the younger prince wife younger queen

He can't sit on his queen throne without his king  because they have not been crowned yet

A criminal is kneeling before him head hanging low trembling with fear he is repeatedly begging for his life

Criminal: please forgive me your majesty give me a chance I will never make this mistake

Tae: Your sins are not forgiven there is only one punishment for your sins death sentence now go to the hell

With that he cut off the man's head with his sword those who were there could only see blood all around

Tae: This is what happens to those who will force or rape others in this village

The criminal rape a girl  who's family was poor and the boy was from rich family he thought he thought he would escape his punishment but the thought wro
ng no one can escape from Jeon Taehyung the younger queen

Everyone knows how hard he is from outside but they don't know how much broken he is from inside he wants peace he wants his koo everyone forgot how bubbly he was before

Tae sighs and closes his eyes that time someone sits beside him Tae opens his eyes and sees it was Jennie his personal maid aka his one of the close friends to whom he does not have to keep himself in a strict mask

Jennie: Tae are you ok? I am here for you

And Tae hug him tightly and continuously mumbling I am not ok and jennie comfort him

Jennie: T-tae he is coming

Tae immediately looked at him with wide eyes and eyes started to shine like a star with tears

Tae: really jennie my koo is coming.? Is he coming to me?

Jennie nodded his head as a yes

Tae: let him come I will pull his ear so that his rabbit-like ears pulled out why didn't he send me a little from this years... You know jenni i didn't sleep peacefully for these 5 years so I want to lay my head on his chest and sleep peacefully

Jenni: I know that's why I sent your letter to him

But jennie immediately slapped his open mouth and Tae looked at him with horror



To be continue....

The younger Prince's WifeWhere stories live. Discover now