Part 2

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Author pov

Next day

Like other day Jk and his friends waiting for the beautiful boy behind the tree in front of the primary school but after waiting for sometimes they didn't saw the boy jk's eye's search for the beautiful boy in between many students

Suddenly jk feel pat on his back he thought his friends so he ignored it and again started to search the boy then again he feels the same pat he again ignored it with a irritation then again continues pat that make him angry he angrily and with a irritation face look behind about to shout at his friend but stopped his actions

When he saw the person in front of him he is the same person whome he try to found the beautiful person and his friends no where besides him Jk's eyes wide mouth hang open that boy blinked his eyes and tap JK's shoulder that make jk come into his sence again

Jk: Abbb y-you

Boy: yes me

Jk: why are you here?

Boy: and why are you here .?

Jk: abbumm don't repeat my word

Boy: ok first tell me why do you follow me everyday?

Jk: Me noo hahaa

Boy: I saw with my own eyes

Jk:Maybe you saw it wrong ( the boy glares at him) ok fine if I f-follow you because I want to return your bottle

Boy: ohh yess yes my bottle ok can you return my bottle?

Jk: Actually it is not with me today can I give it to you tomorrow? Today I am giving you chocolate instead.?

Jk offers him some chocolate the boy look at him for few seconds then the chocolates then he lick his lip and gulap then sook his head as a no Jk Frown his eye brows

Jk: what?

Boy: I can't take this or he will scold me if I take them

Jk: who is he.?

Boy: The bad hyung who always scolds me very much

Jk: you can take this no one will scold you and If someone scolds you, then say these were given by the younger prince

Boy: younger prince.? Youu.? ( with big round eyes)

Jk: yes it's me and you.?

Boy: Me Taetae

Jk: ok Taetae you can take these chocolate and I will return your bottle tomorrow

Tae: But I can't meet you tomorrow

Jk: why.?

Tae: Tomorrow they are coming to see me for marriage

Jk: what marriage in this age.?

Tae: not now but some years later but now they want to fix my marriage

Jk: ok now you can go now we can meet another day ok

Tae: ok bye prince hyungiii

After Tae left from there his friends stood besides him they look jk looking very angry

Hobi: what happened why you look so angry.?

Jk: He said his family members are talking about his marriage

Hobi: that means he is going to marry someone else

Jk:HOBI never even says this in front of me he is mine I will marry him only ( ball his fist and greet his teeth )

Hobi: So what will you do now?

Jk: I know what I have to do, I will make him my wife you younger prince's wife

Time skip

Jeon palace

Jeon palace

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The king Jeon Seojoon is sitting on the throne beside him his Queen Jeon Jasmine with they are discussing some matter with royal member same time door burst open and they know who is coming their younger prince Jeon Jungkook

Jk: Fatherrrrr

Queen: Bunny my son what is this behavior?

King: let it be Jasmine, tell me what you want son..?


veryone: WHAT

Jk: I want to marry

Queen: Son but you are only 12 ,  You are still too young for marriage, even your one brother's marriage left

Jk: then fixed my marriage to do anything but i want my bride

King: Ok everyone find a suitable brude for your prince

Jk: I want a bride from our village

King: Have you heard everyone? Go and spread the news to the whole village..! tell everyone that by tomorrow morning everyone will come here with their son Or daughter

Royel commander bow the king queen and prince and left towards the village to spread the news...



To be continue.....

The younger Prince's WifeWhere stories live. Discover now