Part 3

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Next day early morning

All the villagers gathered in front of the palace with their sons and daughters with hope that maybe younger prince will choose among one of them

Inside the palace Jk rejecting everyone whoever comes in front of him that makes everyone in his family members are getting frustrated

Jimin: uffffff  Motherrrrrrr ( whining) it's getting frustrated

Queen: Bunny why you didn't choose someone you continuesly rejected everyone even without proper look

Jin: uff there is no one who can be the wife of the younger prince

Jk: Yess there is one who will be my wife

King: Then called him or her.! Why westing our time.?

Jk: but there is a problem

Queen: what problem.?

Jk: I know his face but i don't know his name

Jimin: what.?

King : his parents name.?

Jk: I know his parents flower shop but don't know his parents hehehe

Jin and Jimin burst into laughter

Jimin: ahhhhaaaaa w-what he is saying

King: So how do we find him?

Queen: did he come here.?

Jk: I think no because I can't see him anywhere motherrrrrrrrr ( whining like a child)

King: one minute his parents have flowers shops right.?

Jk: yes everyday I saw him there after his school

Queen: did you know his age or which class he reads.?

Jk: nooo he just told his name Tae Tae fatherrrrr i want him as my wifeeee ( stubbornly said) yesterday he said someone will visit his home today to fix his marriage

Queen: what didn't he just a little child.?

Jk: you know mother he is more younger then me but his parents are about to fix his marriage

Jimin: oh that's why our baby brother wants to marry huuh

Jin: do much maturity in this age huuh

Jk: so what I liked about him very much at first sight from that day is that he is mine and no one can get him

Jimin: wah so much possessiveness

Jk: why not after all i am the future king

King: ok ok commanders bring all the flowerist in the market along with their families

Other side

Kim household

A 8 years boy is crying with head hang low and a 14 boy shout at him because he just took some chocolate from the younger prince the little boy time to time look at his parents for save him but they look at him sympathetic look they have nothing to do their hands are tied same time they herad a knock on their door and saw royel commanders

Commanders: Kim Hyun and Kim Teasa  king called you to the royal court

everyone present there was shook and our little boy trembling with fear he thought it's because he took thos chocolate from the younger prince king will be punished his parents and here his soon to be laws will be beat him...

Mr Kim : w-why.?

Commander: You will know by going there and specially bring your son with you now let's go with us...

With that commanders bring Kim family with Kim family's guests in front of the Palace.....


To be continue....

The younger Prince's WifeWhere stories live. Discover now