Part 23

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Just like others day both Tae and kook doing unholy things in their bedroom

Because After long one mother kook got time properly he had his 12th exam in the last month today was his last exam

Now kook like a hungry beast attack on Tae's lips   and boobies after good time he lest the now red puffy lips and pining boobies

Tae: Kooo~~ you are a big meaniii everyday you hardly pressed my boobies like a stress ball look at my boobies it's looking big ( whining with a pout)

Jk: oh my Tae baby I love your softy softy boobies you know na I can't control myself

Said while touching Tae's left boob

Tae: ahha don't touch it nooo

Tae said no to kook for touch his boob but our kook instead of touch it he put the boob in his mouth ignore Tae's whining

After a hard suck kook leave Tae's poor boob

Jk: Ok now Tae baby let's sleep it's let night you need rest

Tae: umm koo i want to say something

Jk: Tell me baby

Tae: everyone in our village started saying I can't give you a baby it's hurt me

Started sniffing and jk hug him tightly and shh him

Jk: don't worry Tae baby I am here for you naa let them say what they wants I know our family know why can't we don't have baby till now because we haven't done make love yet and you know na without make love we don't have any baby

Tae: Then make love to me naaah

Jk: Tae what are you talking you know na we can't have baby before you reach 16 you are still immature for a baby you are still very young how can you handle a baby hmm

Tae: I don't know anything I want to make love I know I am still immature if we can't have but steel we can make love I want to feel how is it feel and if we had baby then you are mature you going to 18 soon and our other's elders also their  for us everyone can gide me how to take care of a baby please make love to me naa

After that they argue with that matter Tae started crying silently they didn't sleep properly

One week leater....

Taekook's argument went one week they didn't touch each other and didn't talk properly most of the time Tae ignored jk

So Jk couldn't take it anymore so he thought it's enough now Jk will make love with Tae

Today jk went to Tae's school to fetch him kook thought Tae was angry with him till now but his shook when after seeing him Tae hug him tightly with happy face and greet him with cheek kiss

Jk: Tae baby you are not angry with me ?

Tae: no not anymore let's go home I am very excited

Jk: huuh why?

Tae: it's surprise for you


To be continue....

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