Part 10

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Author pov

When Jk went to his family there standing his brothers brother-in-law son to be in-laws granny mother and his Soon to be wifey when he stoot in front of them Jimin smaked hard on Jk's head and the boy winch in pain

Jk: ahha hyunggg why you smaked me ( rub the place where jimin smaked him)

Jimin: you bunny face donkey why you did this you Intensionly lost this round and let this bubblegum win whyyyyy

Again smacked him and Jk again started whining

Jk: Motherrrrr look at him

But his mother look at them just done face when he don't get any repli from his mother he look at Tae with cute bunny face with big pout doe eyes Tae melt in his face and started to blow his head and rubb slowly with a cute pout

Tae: Jimin hyung dont him my koo look he is in pain koo is your head paining

Tae asked Jk   who dramatically nodded his head and hugged Tae and placed his head on Tae's chest and hands on his waist and Tae slowly and sweetly rubbed Jk's head

Jin: Tae don't spoiled him he is already a spoiled brat he need to a beat

Jk: Tae taeee

Tae: Noo my koo is a good boy

Queen: hey you bunny we are in front of public every villages weird looking at you why you hugging him like this you can do in inside the house

Jk: who cares he is my soon to be wife I can hug him every time everywhere

Elder queen: Let him Jasmine

Queen: But

Jin: Mother it's ok you know na how much brat he is and now we got to know he also seamless

Jk: Joon hyungggg  say your wife to shut his mouth

Joon: (chackled) Jin why you pulling his leg now tell me why you cut his nose and let him win

Jk: I want cut his throat for the behavior he did in past with my wife and family but it's not good that's why I just cut his nose and his confidence will increase after winning it will be more fun to break his confidence in next round

Jimin: Who taught you this?

Jk: of course your husband Yoongi hyung but where is he

Jimin: I know this, he is with father discussing something

Jk nodded his head while hugging his Tae Tae

Other side Park family

Mrs park applying some herbs to Bogum's cut and Bogum hissing in pain

Mr park: you can't do any job properly how badly you in front of him a the boy is younger then you

Rose: but father oppa won this round

Mrs park: yes look how badly he injured my son don't you care for him huuh

Mr park: it's good for him that the boy only cuts his nose a little if he loses his last round then I will cut his throat who told him to challenge the younger prince

Bogum: father believe me I can beat him in next round

Mr park : I can't trust you now I have to do something

Then he mixed some liquid in a glass of water  then he gave it to his daughter and said

Mr park: go to the younger prince and let him drink this water

Rose: what is it father?

Mr park:  alcohol


To be continue....

Hey guys I have been very busy for a few days now so I can't update on time...

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