Part 42

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Family members looking at Han with killer eyes who looked at them with questionable eyes Han spoke again after clearing his throat

Han: So Mr beautiful will you be my boyfriend?

Han spoke with so much politeness  and kneeling in front of Tae and it's  look like everyone's eyes might pop out at any moment  and Jk he started fuming with anger Tae look at Han then Jk then he noticed jimin try to say something to him but he didn't understand what he is trying to say


Jk said loudly and held Tae tightly Han looked at jk Irritatedly Jk glared at him

Jimin: why not Kook look at him how much and cute he is right jin hyung

Now jin and others look at him specially kook who look at jimin with betrayed eyes then look at jin with hopefully eyes jimin secretly wink at jin who understands the matter

Jin: Yes yes yes you are right jimin look how much caring he is for our little brother Tae isn't it Jungkookii oppa

Jin blinks his eyes at jk who looks at him " I will kill you "

Jk: y- you both are not my brother you both devils mother look at them

Mrs Lee: hey son-in-law my son is a good boy so don't worry about your little brother

Jk: again brother?

Han: we are looking good  couple isn't it mom

Han said and tried to stand beside Tae but jk immediately pushed Han with his one hand and the other hand held Tae tightly and glared at hand who got scared at jk's glare and immediately took a side and smiled nervously

Mrs Lee: Queen I am very happy today finally my two children found their love one

Others: two children ? who and found whom?

Mrs Lee: your son Taehyung for my son Ji-han and your son jungkook for my daughter Ji-eun

Everyone: WHAT

This time Tae also held jk tightly and glared at Ji-eun who was looking at Jk with dreamy but got scared at Tae's glared and jk looking like his soul about to leave from his body

Queen: So first you want Taehyung's hand for your son right

Mrs Lee: yess he is very beautiful talented first day when my son saw him that day he said to us that he will marry him otherwise he will not marry in his life and about my son he is very "brave"  handsome intelligent so here we are and about our daughter she really like your son always talking about his jungkookii oppa

Ji: ( shyly) Momm

Queen tries not to laugh when she sees her son and son-in-law's faces both are red and glaring at each other and then their opponents

Queen: ok if you want Taehyung then ask about it to Jungkook he knows what to do

Mrs Lee: why is he?

Suga: Because he is Tae's husband simple

Le family: WHAT 

Suga: Stop shouting

Han : how can this be possible? look at him ( Tae) so sensitive innocent beautiful soft person and he ( Jk) looking like a beast how can they stay together?

Ji: Hey bro don't call my oppa as a beast he is the most handsome  and sexiest man he must be good at be--

Tae: finish your words I will cut your tongue bitch

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