Part 25

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Next morning Tae and kook both slept placefully in each other's arms

Kook woke up first and saw his sleeping beauty  jk kiss his forehead  then his puffy red lips that make Tae whine in his sleep and finally wake up from his beauty sleep

Tae: koo~ don't let me sleep

Jk: baby wakeup

Tae: 5 minutes more

Jk: ok baby

With that Jk about to wake up but Tae moan and jk notice his member still inside Tae

Actually after their love making kook want cock warning so now they are in it's position

Tae: umm koo~ don't move

But our naughty koo started moving slowly jk's slow move started first, and Tae weakup from his sleep and started moaning on jk's name

When jk feel he is about to cum he pull out his member but maybe it's a little late for him because he is already cuming he is not sure is his cum dropped inside or not

2months leater

There is a kind of war going on in the Jeon family because after Jk clear 12 class Mr and Mrs Jeon wants him go abroad for his further study's they want to make him a doctor because there are no good medical facilities in their village

But Or Younger prince don't want to go don't want to study more because if he go for further study he have to leave his wife here and his wife can't go with him now because he have to complete his 12 first and he isn't that much mature he can't handle it there

First only jk's parents want but now his wife also wants him to go for further study jk try to convince his wife to stop him here but now he is angry with his wife also

Jk: Tae please stop me I don't want to go with you it's hard for me I can't live without you

Hugg Tae and crying in his embrace

Tae: Koo you know na I can't live without you either but it's for your good future our good future it's for our villagers

Jk: I don't care about villagers I just care about us and we can't stay away from each other. Why do you want me to leave don't you want me anymore

Tae: don't say like this koo, and villagers are also important for us you are their hope you are their future king and what father said a real king should think about his people first, you are a king my king their king you should do this for us

Jk: then what about me haa it's not matter what I want we should called good doctor from  others country why they need me as a doctor

Tae: you know na, to get good treatment in this village one of must first have a good idea about treatment in his own village If you are a doctor from this village before then others will be encouraged to study after seeing you not everyone gets such a good opportunity like you

Jk: what if after I go abroad and there someone else takes your place in my heart?


To be continue.....

The younger Prince's WifeWhere stories live. Discover now