Part 15

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Both Tae and Kook look at the person with terrible eyes

Jk/ Tae: Mother

Queen looking at them with angry eyes especially towards her son she strictly forbade them to do any adults things but what she saw she was very disappointed with them...

Queen: Jungkook goes out

Jk: But mother Tae Tae

Queen: I'm bringing him, you go out

Jk: Bu--

Queen: Jungkook get out right now (Strictly)

Jungkook left from there but not before looking at His mother and Tae who looked at him with a scary face

Queen: Taehyung dressed properly

Tae nodded his head and removed his blanket from his body but hiss a little because of his chest still paining a little and the queen looked at him with a raised one eye brow

After Taehyung dressed properly the queen told him to come outside and have some talk

Now everyone presents inside the meeting room Tae and Kook both are nervous kook stood beside Tae and held his hand tightly to assure him that he is with him

King: Queen what happened why you called everyone here

Queen: Mr and Mrs Kim and King I took a decision that... before their marriage they cannot spend more time together mostly privately and Tae will come here only when he is called here

Everyone looks at her with questionable eyes but Tae and kook look at her with Teary eyes

Mrs Kim: w-why queen ? did my son do something? If he does something then behaves of him we ask forgiveness

Jk: Mother please don't separate us we can't stay away from each other

Queen:  What I say will happen and you must obey it The meeting is over

With that queen left from there without saying anything left behind two cry boys and tence elders

Jk: Motherrrr i will not touch him again please don't separate us mother please father please do something naaa

Jk crying mess and Tae only sniffing with head hang low


To be continue.....

Short chapter

Hey guys thank you very very much for yesterday...

Thanks for your mental support

Your support helped me a lot yesterday..

I feel very nice

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