Part 8

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Jin, jimin, and queen hugged Tae one by one and jk never leave Tae's and just for once Mr and Mrs Kim also happy after seeing their son happy but Mrs park glared at kims she thought she put her nose in between their happiness so she spok

Mrs park: Elder queen can i say something.?

Elder queen: continue..!

Mrs park: before fixed this marriage heard me first..

She look at elder queen who looked at her like she is not interested

Mrs park: I think Mr and Mrs Kim didn't agree with this marriage right Hyun.?

She glared at Mr Kim whose head hung low

Elder queen: Kim Hyun.?

Mr Kim: sorry to say Mr and Mrs park but I agree with that decision which the king and elder queen will take and for us as a parents our happiness and smile matter most and we the difference between park family and king's family mrs park the way your family treat my son special your son before marriage he slapped him in front of us we can understand what will happen to my son if they get married?

Although they are highly respected, they have asked my son's opinion our opinion did you want to asked our opinion? No you just make a deal you will forgive all our debts instead of our son that time we don't have any option because if we lost our house and shop we had nowhere to go we have to suffer specially our son but now we don't have any fear we know even if something happens to us now we don't have to worry because there is someone who will take care of my son

So I am severing all ties with you and you can take all my property and Elder queen, my lord and queen from now my only son is your responsibility younger prince(jk look at him with doe eyes) please take care of our son

Jk:(bow at him ) I will

Mrs park to Mr park whisper for do something they can't lose in front of Kim but instead of Mr park Bogum said

Bogum: my lord king I have one condition but it's for younger prince( smirk mentally)

Every look at him

Jk: and why and what conditions.?

Bogum: if you accept it I will leave Tae and my parents will return all their properties

Jk: ok what is it

Bogum: you have to fight with me in front of the whole villagers 3 round battle 1- arrow 2- sword 3- wrestling tell me if you agree

Jk: ok i agree but I have a condition

Bogum : what.?

Jk: You will leave this village with your family, and You will return the lands of those whose lands your father has cunningly withheld including Kim

Mr park: what n-

Bogum: ok i agree and if you lose then you have to marry my sister and i will marry Tae and with Kim's property you will give us the north side of the village.?

Jk thought for some time then look at his parents then Tae who look at him with big puppy eyes then his granny who nodded her head a little

Jk: Ok i agree


To be continue....

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