Part 13

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It's been 3 month Kook and Tae everyday secretly kiss each other's lips and one month ago Jin give birth a cute little boy now jin staying with jeons sometimes jimin visit them

Everyone is very happy but Tae is little upset and quite from last one week no one notice it but his koo notice it he asked tae sometimes but Tae said it's nothing but kook know tere is something so he decided he will ask Tae again

Now like every day Tae and Kook both now on Kook's room cuddling on Kook's bed they are talking about some random things and kook time to time pick Tae's cheek lips head

Jk: Tae Tae

Tae: hmm

Jk: what happened to you why you sad now days is someone make you sad just tell me his or her name i will that person with my hands but please tell me what happened to your sad face make me sad

said with little glossy eyes looking at Tae's now teary eyes Tae immediately hugged jk

Tae: I am sorry my koo but i am upset with myself

Jk cup Tae's both cheek and wipe his tears

Jk: but why tae tae tell me

Tae: you know na koo we are kissing  more then 3 months but look I don't get round tummy like jin hyung it means our baby didn't come into my tummy ( said with sniffing)

Jk: ofo Tae tae don't cry I am with you didn't I say we didn't kiss properly or maybe for baby we have to do other private processes that I don't know

Tae: really koo ( red puffy eyes)

Jk: I am not sure ok let's asked our maid Mina and his boyfriend younsuk maybe  they know everything I saw them many time eat each other's face and don't cry or be sad ever again okkh my Tae tae

Tae nodded his head like a cute puppy and jk kissed his whole face and Tae giggles cutely

Next day

A maid couple was making out in a corner thay are hide from others but they stopped there movement and started shaking in fear when they saw their younger prince and his soon to be bride standing in front of them with questionable eyes they immediately bow to them

Jk: soo hyung come with me and noona go with Tae tae

With that he dragged the male with him and Tae the girl with him

Tae and maid Mina

Mina: I am sorry Tae what you saw before please don't tell anyone I beg you

Tae: hmm let me think ( make a cute thinking face) then first tell me you both are kissing each other? ( Mina nodded) your in a relationship with hyung ? (Again nodded) you kiss each other then why didn't you get pregnant why didn't you tummy get big big

Mina: what? What are you talking about why should I will be pregnant  we just kissed

Tae: isn't after we kissed each other lips we got little baby in our tummy?

Mina: what no no who said it for baby we have to make love with our love one

Tae: make love? Do you know the process?

Mina: yes I know

Tae: then tell me

Mina: no you are just a child it's for elders or married couples after your marriage younger prince will tell you hmm

Tae: for know the process I have to wait this longggg ( whining)


To be continue....

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