Part 16

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It's been three weeks Jk tryed many times to understand his but but his mother was little angry with him so she didn't listen him but she also feel sad she also missing Tae but she have to strict for her children's good

She didn't said anything to anyone why she took the decision but the family members understand a little jk did something which he shouldn't have done

Jk and Tae didn't meet with each other on this day and every village noticed it and they started gossiping about the Kim family specially Tae

One of the royal maids spread the news that something happened and queen forbidden Tae inside the palace everyone thought Jeons break every connection with Kim's

Villegas started taunting Kim family no one wants to by flowers from their shop no want hive any work to Mr Kim  in fact inside school someone bully Tae and teachers didn't said anything to the bully every day Tae cry in his mother's embrace

They no longer have many food at their home sometimes they only drink water

Tae was no more bubbly happy child he is now silent and cry only same goes to jk he didn't eat properly no more naughtiness stubbornness he stay his room alone most of the time he only talk with jin and his baby a little

Today Jimin and Suga both came to Jeon Palace because a big fair has been organized in this village Today Jimin noticed Tae's absence and jk's silence

So he first asked jin who told jimin what queen decided and jk's conditions in this day's they don't know what's Kim family are facing jimin thought he Imself ask his brother about it what happened that day

So jimin went to his brother room who lay on his bed staring blankly at walls jimin sat beside his bed and jk instantly look at jimin when jimin open his arm for a hug jk immediately hug him and started to sniffing and jimin comb his hair with his fingers

Jimin: my baby bro my strong bro what happened to my strong bunny hmm why are you crying tell hyung

Jk: I miss him I miss Tae tae i didn't see him it's been three weeks I don't know how is he did he eat or sleep or he still crying every day like me hyung i want my Tae tae i want to see him I can't live without seeing him I promise I will not touched him anymore I will just see him but say it to mother let us meet let him stay in front of my eyes I will not touch him before our marriage in fact if mother wants I will not touch him after our marriage please hyung

Now jk crying very badly they didn't noticed someone also here this and her heart hurts seeing her grandson in this state


To be continue....

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