Part 4

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Author pov

When Kim's family entered the palace everyone's mouth hung open with aww because they saw it from outside and didn't see it from inside then they saw the king and his family enter the hall everyone bowed at them with respect

King: so you know why you are here.?

Mr and Mrs Kim sook their head as a no then they heard a low voice behind Mr and Mrs Kim now everyone attention on the voice then they saw a very beautiful fluffy boy with puppy eyes pouty lips came in front of Mr and Mrs Kim and Bow them again everyone in King's family aww at the boy's cuteness and happy his politeness and a human bunny smile ear to ear displays all his bunny teeth for everyone to see make his brothers chuckled

Queen: what is your name boy ? ( asked smoothly)

Boy: Me Taetae

Mrs Kim: Taeeee

low warning tone that make the boy pout

Tae: I am Taehyung Kim Taehyung ( with a boxy smile)

Queen: Awww baby you are sooo cute and beautiful baby come here come to me...!

she ask tae close to her Tae went to her with shy smile and queen make him sit on her lap and Tae suddenly hugged her hide his face on her neck because of shyness that make someone laughed at his cute behavior and someone tence or bother

Mrs Kim: Taehyung behaves sorry my queen for his behavior

That made Tae remove his face from the queen's neck and look at his own lap and eyes became teary lips wobble and this state broke Bunny's heart

Queen: Mrs Kim don't shout at this precious baby

Queen glares at Mrs Kim and hugs Tae and tries to calm the boy Taehyung is a very sensitive and innocent boy and the queen is a very nice and polite lovely mother

Mrs Kim: sorry queen (hang her head low)

King: and Why is the Park family here ?

Now the younger prince looks at the park family especially Park Bogum his enemy unknown fears work in him

Mr park : My king I'm one of the Zamindar from our village and their soon to be relatives our son's going to marry soon my lord

Jk: whatt?

He looks at Bogum with an angry face who looks at him with a smirk face

Mrs park: my Lord we have heard that you guys are looking for a bride for a little prince.? I have a request for you you can see my daughter Rose Park Rose she is the most beautiful in this village smart and polite she is perfect for younger prince

Jimin: are you kidding Mrs park your daughter or polite what a funny joke everyone knows very well how mannersles she is and about the beauty and bride for our younger brother we already find wife for younger prince

Mr and Mrs park : who is she.?

Jin: is he not the right baby bro.?

Jin asks his little brother who is totally lost in front of the beauty who is now queen's lap unbothrly blabbing and giggles with queen and queen feed him strawberry with soft smile everyone follows at Younger Prince gazed and they understand whom Jin was talking about

King: Kim Hyun and Kim Taasa your son Kim Taehyung will be your younger prince's wife

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