Part 36

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"Since I have lost the ability to give him an heir"

The word broke in Jk's chest he can't believe in his ears his mind stop working he just stares at Taehyung trying to find out if he is lying but he can't read his face

Everyone started whispering same time Suga and Namjoon appeared there jin and jimin told them every things

Suga: SHUT UP EVERYONE If I hear a bad words in his name, I will cut the person's throat what you said you want a well educated queen? Did you let him read when it was time for him to read? When he was just 9 years everyone wants stopped his education If he hadn't married into this family, he wouldn't have been completed his 10th by now

Nj: oh any why he left his study because of you he took every villagers responsibility at his 16 years old

Jin : Now your daughters are getting good education and getting courage to go out on the road freely without any fear you are now getting much better benefits than before for whom?

Jimin: He gave you his word, I know he will keep his word but please let him breath he is only 18 but he has endured a lot in life If you look anywhere, you will not find a great queen like him even we could not become a good queen of our kingdom like him if you lodt him it's your lost not his

Villagers 1 : then what about our lose? Today and before we lost our family members if before the younger prince had not fought for him , there would not have been so much trouble today

Queen: Heyy don't forget day my son fight not for only Taehyung he fight for your lands also or or do you want to stay in his kingdom? That day my son did a very mistake to fight for your land my son-in-law made a bigger mistake than my son who he lost everything for trying to save you from him don't forget that I am still the queen of this village and I am the one who gave him all rights and not only you we also lost our most precious things MY GRAND CHILD HE LOST HIS OWN SON AND PARENTS JUST TO SAVE EVERYONE AND HERE YOUR GUYS JUDGING HIM

Here the queen's words every villager stood silently head hang low Tae started shaking and jk feel like his soul left from his body Hobi and Lisa also looking shook they don't know Tae go through that much

Suga: Oh and about the younger prince's girlfriend..! Jungkook would you say something please

Jk came out of his thought and nodded his head

Jk: Hey I am the younger prince Jeon Jungkook I apologize to you I lied to you Lisa isn't my girlfriend she Hoseok hyung's girlfriend and about my queen It will always be my wife Taehyung if you guys want or not If you don't want him as your queen, you can leave this village at will none of his faults matter to me he will always have that sweet Taehyung of mine I will want him as my partner in the next 100 births

Villagers: We are really sorry younger Queen Jeon Taehyung and the younger prince please forgive us

Jk heard a thud sound from his behind when he turned his head he saw Tae lying on the ground unconscious and Jennie continuously patted his cheek


Jk immediately pick him up and went to their room

Jk: Lisa check him, Tae Tae open your eyes Tae baby look at me I am sorry my love sorry please open your eyes don't scared me like this tae

Lisa: Jungkook relax let me check  him

Lisa started to check his pulse eyes heart beet

After checking him Lisa  said he is ok but something triggered him that's why he fainted

Jk:  Jennie and Lisa stay beside him and call me if he gains his conscience and others please come to the living room we need to talk

Living room

Jk: Now tell me what happened to him why my Tae like this today and w-what a-about our child? What ab-out his parents? And who was he talking about killing? What promise please someone tell me I need to know where is my old Tae

Jk broke into tears

Jimin: The day you left from here you didn't greet him and in fact you didn't look at your back if that day you If you look back for once then you see him lying on the ground like today

That time we got to know he was one and half months pregnant with your child we don't know what to do you just left and he was just 13 year we wanted to inform you but did you remember you didn't  want to connect with us that time we try to contact hoseok but you both didn't inform us where you both was living

We lost hope but after 6 months you contact with me and told me about your address we know that you're angry with family specialy Tae

So Tae want to surprised you by went abroad but after his baby shower that was after one week he wanted to spend his last month with you and also don't wanted to disturb your study by calling you here

It was very difficult for him to carry a child at his little age but he was very happy that time we took care of him you promise us that you didn't make him pregnant till he reached 16 but you broke your promise

It's his baby shower he was very happy and excited you know it was the last day we saw him smile because that day everything changes because that day his smile turned to his tears



To be continue...

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