Part 31

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Author pov

Dinner time

Everyone gathered together  but everyone is looking at a grown up big kid who is throwing tantrums why because his wife didn't sit besides him he wants his wife feed him but no his wife is not paying attention to him so he started sniffing

Jimin: oh god mother i thought he may have grown up now but look at him he remains a stubborn child as before jungkook you are in no way less than my son

Jin: mine also i can't believe him he is a doctor now

Joon: Tae looks at the poor boy he is crying continuously

Hearing joon jk again started crying loudly

Queen: oh hoo shut up or your nephews niece will wake up

Elder queen: i am done i am going to sleep Tae handle him

With that she left from there and Tae sigh

Tae: Jungkook stop and eat quietly

Jk: W-what J-j-jungkook me (he points himself ) even now he is calling me by my  name no nick name or hubby aaaaaaahhhhaa ( again crying loudly)

Suga: SHUT UP  or otherwise I will cut your throat

Jk immediately shut his mouth

Tae: Lisa feed him

Lisa: huu me? But why?

Tae: isn't he is your so called boyfriend so feed him and shut his mouth and pay less attention to Jhope and focus on your boyfriend he is eating everyones head

Lisa: abbbba umm

Jk: No, I will not eat from his hand she did not wash her hands after coming from the toilet i saw her with my big eyes

Lisa: what youuu jangle book i will kill you

With that both started bicaring but stop when Tae shout at them

Tae: SHUT UP OR OTHERWISE I WILL CUT YOUR TONGUE and you younger prince open your mouth

Tae started feed jk who munching food with so much satisfaction and moaning time to time then something stuch his mind

Jk: Um where is father? He will not come to eat? where is he? I have not seen him once did he eat?  and oh Tae didn't you infrom your parents about my arrival ? Why didn't they come to meet me?

After hearing his question Tae stood like a statue jin jimin looked at each other and then their partner then Tae and their mother

Queen: Umm yes your father eats before us and he is sleeping

Jk: why suddenly your face turned pale did something happen to father

Queen: w-what no-no n-nothing kook y-you finish your food first you must b- kook Jungkook bunny where are you going

She started to yelling and run behind him because jk sence something is wrong so he without any thought he ran to his parents room now everyone ran behind him

Jk opened his parents room door with a loud noise but felt relaxed when he saw that his father was sleeping peacefully on their bed

Jk : thank god everything is fine

The question is, is everything right? As he thought about his father, he didn't noticed he forgot about another question he had asked everyone avoided his question


To be continue...


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