Part 17

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Jimin took his parents and granny permission because he wants to spend this fair with his family and Tae

Jk told him what exactly happened that day how they kiss and total details and jimin got ideas on what both boys go through so he and Suga made a plan for Taekook meet

So first Jimin suga and kook went towards Tae's house jimin was very happy after seeing his brother excited and longing eyes

But their smile fades away when they went inside the Kim house they saw Tae was sleeping on bed holding his belly and his mother caressing his hair Mr Kim isn't home

Jimin: what happened to Tae aunty?

Mrs Kim: he didn't eat maybe that's why his stomach hurts

Jk: w-why didn't he eat anything

Jk look at Tae with longing eyes he wants to run towards him and hug him wants to soo away his pain but he is afraid of touching him

Jimin : aunty bring something to eat I will feed him

But mrs Kim stood there with head hang low three people look at her with questionable eyes

Mrs Kim: we don't have any food to feed him his father went outside to arrange food for him

Suga: what but why? so what are you eating?

Mrs: Drinking only water for a few days If we can get some food, then we eat one meal

Not jk's and jimin's eyes teary specialy jk he don't know his Tae tae went through that much there he west his meal and here they didn't find food for once

Suga: May I know what is the reason for such a situation

Mrs Kim: No one in the village wants to associate with us no one in the village wants to associate with us the villagers started calling my son different names some bullys him but the teachers didn't take his side everyday after school he came home with wounds and puffy eyes no one wants give us work

Now she is crying mess jimin also suga sais somthing to his one gurd and jk's look at Tae with many emotion and rage for some people who make his Tae Tae hurt

At the same time Tae opens his eyes and looks in front of him to find his koo The first time he is dreaming

Tae: maa you know I saw my koo in my dreams he looks so real I want to touch my koo I miss him very much I feel protective with him

He said with teary eyes and big pout but when he saw his koo's eyes also teary make him panic

Tae: maa why koo looking so real did you see him why he is crying

Jimin: T-tae baby

Tae immediately turb towards jimin and gice his boxy smile

Tae: jimin hyung did you come

Jimin: yes baby not only me yor meow hyung and also your koo

Tae: really it means he is really my koo

Jimin nodded his head Tae without west his time get up from his bed and ran to his koo

But stop his trach when kook back away little and make Tae stop in his track

That brings tears to Tae's eyes and lips wobbly

Tae: K-koo


To be continue....

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