Part 29

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Third update...

Author pov

Author pov

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Everyone saw Hoseok is the one who came out from the bullcart then the person everyone was waiting for Their younger prince Everyone chear for their younger prince they bow in front of everyone

Everyone saw Hoseok is the one who came out from the bullcart then the person everyone was waiting for Their younger prince Everyone chear for their younger prince they bow in front of everyone

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Jennie push Tae a little who was stunning in his handsomeness

Jennie: go and hug him goo

Tae nodded his head and was about to step forward but stopped his step when he saw one more person come out from the cart and it was a beautiful girl and stood between Kook and Hobi to make everyone look at them with question eyes

Tae nodded his head and was about to step forward but stopped his step when he saw one more person come out from the cart and it was a beautiful girl and stood between Kook and Hobi to make everyone look at them with question eyes

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Jin: Kook who is she?

Kook first look here and there then stop his eyes towards a beautiful angle like person

and for some moments he forgot his breath but gain his conscious when Jimin smaked his head

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and for some moments he forgot his breath but gain his conscious when Jimin smaked his head

Jk: oh she is lizard opps i mean La Lisa she also a doctor and one of the future daughter-in-law of this village

Jk look at Tae with a proud smirks he thought it's his time for revange

Jk: M-my g-g-g-G

Hobi: girlfriend hehe

Lisa: hello everyone I am La Lisa

Everyone look at him with wide open mouth and eyes villages started whispering with each other jungkook's eyes never leave Tae's face who looking at him with emotionless face looking at their every action clearly and Tae's eyes notice something that bring a smirk on his face that make kook shook a little he didn't understand this Tae he is looking totally other person

Jk lost in his thought he didn't notice when a pink slipar land on his face...

Before jk overcome from the slipar he feel hard smack on his butt then he can feel continuous smack on his backside but don't know why before he could understand anything he found himself on floor and his 2 brother on his back

Jk: ahhhh someone help me mother please save me from those monster huuh

Jin: hihi no one will save you from us

Jimin: today is your last day from this beautiful world

Both brothers laugh like a psycho their action really scares other specialy Lisa and hobi both stood aside hand in hand with a horror face Elder queen and Mrs jeon left from their villages looking at the sean like super hit drama Tae look everything then said

Tae: Jin hyung Jimin hyung stop ( coldly)

Jk again look at Tae with shook did Tae said his hyung to stop him he is totally claim like nothing happened he thought it will be Tae who beat him with slipper but it's turned wrong didn't he got jealous? What will happen to him what if Tae left him The elders said there is calm before the storm on nooo

Jk again look at Tae with shook did Tae said his hyung to stop him he is totally claim like nothing happened he thought it will be Tae who beat him with slipper but it's turned wrong didn't he got jealous? What will happen to him what if Tae left ...

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Jin: Not today Tae

Jimin: let us teach him a lesson after him, his girlfriend hihii

Lisa and hobi look at them with big eyes and kook continuously looking at Tae with questionable eyes

Tae also looks at them then villagers

Tae:  everyone leave from here there is no drama going on here you came here to see your little prince you saw him so you can leave now

He roared to Villagers  some left immediately and some stood there like a stubborn try to act brave

Tae: didn't you listen what I said, I said leave

Villages 1: w-why s-should he listen to you even so, our little prince will replace you in a few days


Everyone left from there with hurry they don't want punished by their younger queen and Jk's mouth hang open same goes to hobi and Lisa  they don't know is he really the Taehyung they know or kook talking about innocent bubbly childish Tae  a big nooo


To be continue....

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