Part 32

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Author pov

Night Time

Everyone is sleeping peacefully but not two person one who can't sleep properly because of nightmares which he has been seeing for the past 5 years

Other side a bunny face man who was looking at the ceiling and waiting for middle night and sulking because his wife kicked him out of his room and came to him just for once what he wants huu hi just want to sleep with his pretty wife and hug him but noo he have to kicked him out

What he thought before came here he thought after seeing him with another girl his wife might be jealous of her and fearing to lose him, he would stay with like a glue to him 24 hours but look at here maybe his wife does not love him

What he thought before came here he thought after seeing him with another girl his wife might be jealous of her and fearing to lose him, he would stay with like a glue to him 24 hours but look at here maybe his wife does not love him

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Jk: what no no what am I thinking? I think everyone is asleep now it's my turn

With that jk left his room and a few seconds later he stood in front of Tae's room and slowly opened the room door then first picked inside then tipped toes entered inside and stood in front of Tae's sleepy figure

With that jk left his room and a few seconds later he stood in front of Tae's room and slowly opened the room door then first picked inside then tipped toes entered inside and stood in front of Tae's sleepy figure

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Tae's room

Tae's room

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Jk: look at my angel after destroyed my sleep here he is sleeping peacefully wait a minute let me admire his beautiful face ahhh it's been 5 year i see him so closely again you are changed alote my angel and you looking more sexy but what happened to you i know your hiding so much what is it Is this change in you because of me? or is there another reason? But i want to see you like before again I miss you my love (whisper)

Jk: look at my angel after destroyed my sleep here he is sleeping peacefully wait a minute let me admire his beautiful face ahhh it's been 5 year i see him so closely again you are changed alote my angel and you looking more sexy but what happened...

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With that he kisses Tae's forehead

Jk: i can't sleep without you now so let me sleep with you (whisper)

With that he lay beside Tae and hesitedly put his arm around Tae and snuggled on Tae's neck but he didn't notice when Tae opened his  now teary eyes

Tae to himself : I miss you too koo i want to tell you everything but can you hear everything? It's very hard

Tae slowly faces JK and admires his sleepy face then he kisses Jk's nose who whines a little in his sleep and snuggles in between Tae's clothes boobs and mumble " Softie softie "

Tae: such a pervert he has not changed at all

mumble with a red cheek after a few minutes later Tae also went to his dreamland

Early morning

Jk was sleeping peacefully but he was awakened by a noise beside him then he remember last night he came to sleep in Taehyung's room it's mean Tae, he immediately look at Tae he saw Tae was sweating a badly and continuously mumbling something Jk carefully heard what he was saying

Tae: No no no my baby no please please don't do this to them noo maa appa nooo NOOO

Jk doesn't know what Tae is saying about it but he knows there is something like hunting Tae so Jk immediately hugs Tae and kisses his head

Jk: shhh baby i am here your koo is here calm down love

Tae again went to sleep tightly hugging jk who also hugging him

Morning time

When Jk woke up from his sleep he saw no one beside him He sighed and went to the bathroom After freshening up he went downstairs and one maid inform him that everyone was in the backyard so he went there

When Jk woke up from his sleep he saw no one beside him He sighed and went to the bathroom After freshening up he went downstairs and one maid inform him that everyone was in the backyard so he went there

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But his eyes widened when he everyone sitting and talking together but Taehyung stands some distance away with a sword what shook him more he is not alone a boy who unknown to him standing too close to Tae and Jennie also there but a little away from them his wife too close with a unknown boy then suddenly he heard his brothers talk

But his eyes widened when he everyone sitting and talking together but Taehyung stands some distance away with a sword what shook him more he is not alone a boy who unknown to him standing too close to Tae and Jennie also there but a little away f...

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Jimin : you know hyung they look good together

Jin: i know

Jimin: did Kai take any step

Jin: don't know maybe yesh haven't seen their behavior some minutes before

Jimin: i saw them they might get married very soon ohhh i am very excited for their marriage

Jk's souls left from his body for few seconds his wife going to marry other and here his brothers celebrating his broken state then again came back to his body he havt to do something right now



To be continue....

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