Part 35

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Jk ran to his room and started crying loudly and also came behind him and hugged him tightly

Tae: kook hold yourself

Jk: How did this happen?

Tae: someone poisoned him

Jk: Who has such courage?

Tae: a maid but don't worry she is no more and now forgot it you have to train next week will be crown ceremony you have many things to do you need lots of power I want you to be a great king don't cry be strong a king can't be this much weak come on get up wipe your tears what will the villagers think about you hmm now get up let's do some practices

Tae holds jk's hand and is about to pull him but jk jark his and away

Jk: for god shake Taehyung think before talk here i got to know that my father is lying in bed he isn't ok and you just thik about villagers and power and just thinking about your wish you want me to be grat king did you asked me do I want to be king? In fact 5 year before just for your wish you send me away now this I don't want to stay here forever i want to build a separate family with you in abroad you want a hospital right I will build a hospital here , you are just thinking of villagers then where are your villagers when this happened to my father these are the villagers who once badmouthed you

Oh about power i don't need any power but you got it right so enjoy your power which my father give you i love you it's not mean i will listen your every word today my father is like this because of this power If he was a normal person like others, he would be healthy today you don't understand the pain in my heart seeing my father lying half dead in bed you don't understand what it feels when you lost some of your ability I have seen many in my working life break down daily because of their lost ability

This time If you don't keep my word this time I will go abroad alone

Jk told his wife so much in anger but he didn't realize the effect his words had on his wife who looked at him blankly at the same time Jennie entered their room she was huffing

Jennie: Tae t-they again killed some of our villagers our village is in chaos many people have gathered outside the palace

Tae hurriedly went with Jennie not before looking at jk's face Jk sigh and also went behind them they saw villagers gathered they are shouting at Tae's name every family member also there

Villagers 1: Younger queen this is your protection does our life have no value? They brutally killed many of our villagers, and here you are relaxing in the palace, you promise us you will erase their names but here I see they are erasing our name

Villagers 2: If you continue like this, we will not be able to accept you as our next queen, If you can't fulfill your duty then move out of your place

Villagers 3: we heard the younger prince has chosen someone for himself so then let him in your place we heard she is well educated a doctor

Villagers 4: we want them as our king queen let them rule us


Everyone: WHAT

Tae: I will keep the promise I made to you with my life and after me if you guys want or your younger prince wants he can re-marry other

Tae directly looks at Jk's eyes

Tae: Since I have lost the ability to give him an heir


To be continue....

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